Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


How did mammals respond to changes in human activity during the pandemic?

The results of a study conducted on a global scale which analyzed the impact on the habits of wild mammals of changes in human activities induced by the COVID-19 pandemic between 2019 and 2021 have been published in the international scientific journal Nature Ecology and Evolution. 

In general, it was observed that upon the return of human activity after the lockdowns in the most intact natural environments, mammals reduced their activity by avoiding people, while in the more anthropized environments they were more active, but also more nocturnal. Furthermore, large carnivores were found to be the most sensitive to changes in human activity.

The study involved more than 220 researchers in 21 countries, including 5 Italian institutions: ISPRA, MUSE - Science Museum, FEM - Edmund Mach Foundation, University of Florence, University of Siena. The activities of 163 species of mammals were investigated with the use of over 5 thousand camera traps.

The results of the research allow the development of measures aimed at reducing disturbance of wildlife and preventing conflicts between humans and wild animals.

Link to the study: