Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Technical Periodicals

Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
More European sites meet excellent bathing water quality standards than ever before
Technical Periodicals   3 / 2017
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
Western Mediterranean: Actions for the sustainable development of the blue economy
Technical Periodicals   2 / 2017
Reticula n. 16/2017 - monographic number
The Carta della Natura system as source of data and information for planning activities
Technical Periodicals   16 / 2017
Reticula n. 15/2017
Technical Periodicals   15 / 2017
Reticula n. 14/2017
Technical Periodicals   14 / 2017
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding in the field on water protection
International ocean governance: EU's contribution for safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed oceans
Technical Periodicals   1 / 2017
A trip through the Wildhorn Nappe from Cretaceous to Neogene time (Helvetic Nappes, Switzerland)
Tectonic Studies Group of the Swiss Geological Society - Summer excursion, 2015
Technical Periodicals   8 (2.2) / 2016
The northernmost record of the Messinian salinity crisis (Piedmont basin, Italy)
Regional Commitee on Mediterranean Neogeone Stratigraphy Interim Colloquium – Torino, 2014
Technical Periodicals   8 (2.1) / 2016
Quaternary geology and paleoseismology in the Fucino and L’Aquila basins
6th INQUA International Workshop on Active Tectonics Paleoseismology and Archaeoseismology Pescina (AQ) - Italy
Technical Periodicals   8 (1.2) / 2016
The Triassic and Jurassic sedimentary cycles in Central Sardinia: stratigraphy, depositional environment and relationship between tectonics and sedimentation
85° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana - Sassari, 2008
Technical Periodicals   8 (1.1) / 2016
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding in the field on water protection
Ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement
Technical Periodicals   4 / 2016
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding in the field on water protection
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Technical Periodicals   3 / 2016
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding in the field on water protection
European Cloud to give Europe a global lead in the data-driven economy
Technical Periodicals   2 / 2016
Reticula n. 13/2016 - Monograph number
Conservative management and resource planning in mountain areas
Technical Periodicals   13 / 2016
Reticula n. 12/2016
Technical Periodicals   12 / 2016
Reticula n.11/2016
Technical Periodicals   11 / 2016
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding in the field on water protection
Technical Periodicals   1 / 2016
Sinkholes in Italy. The sinkholes and underground cavities: historical research, study methods and intervention
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 99 / 2015
Geological Map of Etna volcano
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 98 / 2015
Earthquake Environmental Effect for seismic hazard assessment: the ESI intensity scale and the EEE Catalogue
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 97 / 2015