Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Reticula n. 13/2016 - Monograph number

Conservative management and resource planning in mountain areas


After addressing topics related to the coastal territorial area, RETICULA faces an important reflection on the highlands and on the different planning approaches available for these types of environments, rich in natural resources and biodiversity but at the same time fragile and vulnerable.
In order to put into practice the most effective actions in a shorter time, it is essential the dissemination and sharing of proposals and specific experience relating to the need for new approaches and action models, functional to the maintenance of what the mountains can provide to the entire ecosystem and communities. The monograph number of RETICULA 2016 aims to gather the new knowledge in order to build a common heritage that can strengthen the role of professionals to meet the needs of new governance of mountain areas.
The intent of this monograph issue is to represent the different aspects and needs of the mountain regions, with particular reference to spatial planning and landscaping for the protection, management and enhancement of the environment and its resources. The contributions invite the readers to reflect on the commitment, knowledge and professionalism required within these specific context.
Technical Periodicals


Preface by the Planning Sector of the Department of Nature Protection

The editorial
Seen from above

The future of the country from the point of view of the mountain

by L. Lo Bianco

I. Governance for ecological connectivity in the Alps in the framework of international Conventions and macro-regional strategy

P. Angelini, L. Cetara, M.T. Idone

II. Sustainable Forest Management in the Alpine area

F. Dellagiacoma

III. The Apennines after the earthquake: what development perspectives for local communities?

I. Pierantoni, M. Sargolini

IV. Protection and promotion of the high lands: the role of the Italian Alpine Club

F. Di Donato

V. Between Italy and France, some drops of Europe

R. Pozzani

VI. The agro-pastoral landascapes in the Majella National Park: the landscape evolution and new monitoring techniques

E. Micati, A. Manzi, G. M. Monaco, L. Di Martino, A. Marucci, M. Gambacorta, O. Di Nino

VII. Energy efficiency renovation and architectural redevelopment in the alpine territory. Scenarios from the AlpBC project

M. Berta, A. De Rossi, R. Dini

VIII. Land evaluation of mountain areas on the basis of their natural constraints

P.F. Martalò, F. Mensio, P.G. Terzuolo, E. Raina

IX. Rural Development Programmes role in the change of mountain agricultural landscapes: application of an interpretive model to the Lazio region

M.C. Natalia

X. Dry grassland management in the frame of Natura 2000 Network applied by means of the LIFE+ RI.CO.PR.I.

M. Vinci, V. Buonfiglio, L. Vannicelli Casoni

XI. Renewable energy for the resilience of an alpine community: the hamlet of San Bernolfo, Vinadio (CN)

L. Bisogni, D. Cavedal

XII. Protected areas, land planning and mountains in Developing Countries: an interesting experience in Tanzania

C. Sometti, M. Zortea