Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Technical Periodicals

Tidal sedimentary dynamics of the Early Pleistocene Messina Strait (Calabria, southern Italy) based on its modern analogue
Tidalites Field Trips Special Volume - Tidalites 2021-10th Congress of Tidal Sedimentology. Matera, Italy, 5-7 October 2021. Field Trip T1 Messina Strait.
Technical Periodicals   12 (2.4) / 2020
The submarine dune field of the Bolognano Fm: depositional processes and the carbonate reservoir potential (Chattian to Burdigalian, Majella Carbonate Platform)
Tidalites 2021 - 10th Congress of Tidal Sedimentology. Matera, Italy, 5-7 October 2021. Field Trip T6 – Central Apennine – Maiella
Technical Periodicals   12 (2.3) / 2020
Geological map of the Mt. Vettoretto–Capodacqua area (Central Apennines, Italy) and cross-cutting relationships between Sibillini Mts. thrust and Mt. Vettore normal faults system
Technical Periodicals   12 (2.2) / 2020
Virtual geological mapping in the Lurestan region of the Zagros (NW Iran) with Google Earth
Technical Periodicals   12 (2.1) / 2020
Palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Lower Pleistocene Arda River succession
8th International Brachiopod Congress – Milano, 11-14 September 2018. XX Congress of the Italian Palaeontological Society – Bologna, 19-21 May 2020
Technical Periodicals   12 (1.2) / 2020
Digital mapping of geological events in European Seas
Technical Periodicals   12 (1.1) / 2020
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
New Circular Economy Action Plan
Technical Periodicals   1 / 2020
Microfacies and microfossils of the Mesozoic carbonate successions of Latium and Abruzzi - Late Triassic - Jurassic
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 18 / 2019
Atlas of Italian Submarine Volcanic Structures
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 104 / 2019
Reticula n. 22/2019 Monographic Number
Protection and implementation of ecological connectivity in River Contracts
Technical Periodicals   22 / 2019
Reticula n.21/2019
Technical Periodicals   21 / 2019
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
UE launches Circular Plastics Alliance
Technical Periodicals   2 / 2019
The geological structure of the Emilia-Tuscany Northern Apennines and Alpi Apuane
Gruppo Italiano di Geologia Strutturale - Annual Meeting GIGS 2018, Centro di Geotecnologie, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR), 12-14 June 2018
Technical Periodicals   11 (2.5) / 2019
Geological and structural map of the southeastern Pag Island, Croatia: field constraints on the Cretaceous - Eocene evolution of the Dinarides foreland
Technical Periodicals   11 (2.4) / 2019
Geological map of the eastern sector of the Pliocene-Quaternary Ofanto Basin: an upgrade
Technical Periodicals   11 (2.3) / 2019
Geological map of the central part of Narni-Amelia Ridge (Central Apennines, Italy)
Technical Periodicals   11 (2.2) / 2019
Mapping the geology of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake fault (Mt. Vettore – Mt. Bove fault, Sibillini Mts.): geological details on the Cupi – Ussita and Mt. Bove – Mt. Porche segments and overall pattern of coseismic surface faulting
Technical Periodicals   11 (2.1) / 2019
The city of Napoli and its active volcanoes
IAVCEI Meeting - Naples, 2018
Technical Periodicals   11 (1.2) / 2019
Landslides, volcanism and volcano-tectonics: the fragility of the Neapolitan territory
Cities on Volcanoes 10 Meeting – Napoli 2018
Technical Periodicals   11 (1.1) / 2019
Quaterly bulletin on a research funding
An Europe with zero climate impact by 2050
Technical Periodicals   1 / 2019