Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Reticula n. 22/2019 Monographic Number

Protection and implementation of ecological connectivity in River Contracts

River ecosystems are recognized elements of high naturalistic value, elective habitats for many species of fauna and flora as well as fundamental elements of territorial ecological interconnection. Despite their importance, these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change and human activities as well as by complex and often overlapping management and competence systems.

Faced with these critical issues, there is fortunately a growing awareness that the effective management and conservation of river environments and their biodiversity allows to enhance, among other things, the important ecosystem services related to them. An important sign in this sense is the diffusion of River Contracts, voluntary tools of strategic and negotiated planning that pursue, in an integrated vision, protection, proper management of water resources and enhancement of river territories together with the hydraulic risk protection, contributing to local development.

The aim of this monographic issue is to propose a non-exhaustive, but representative, picture of national experiences of this type of voluntary agreements that provide strategies and actions functional to the conservation and restoration of ecological connectivity. This in order to stimulate the dissemination of these good practices of governance related to the implementation of resilience of territories, consistent with the mission of RETICULA

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Technical Periodicals


Preface by the Editorial Board of RETICULA


The Editorial

River Contracts: an opportunity to better manage river territories

by G. Dodaro and C. Battisti

River contracts in Italy for the ecological connectivity of water courses

G. Scanu, G. Conte, C. Fortunato, G. Gusmaroli, S. Mazzuca, P. Rizzuto

The River Contracts for integrated management in water bodies within protected areas

M. Barile, M. C. Mignuoli, C. Vendetti, G. Scanu

The evolution of the species: from River Contracts to the Calls for River Restoration in Piedmont

P. Mancin, A. Lanfranco

River Contracts in Lazio Region: participatory governance of the territory for environmental defence and valorisation

C. Avenali

Towards a River Contract of the Ofanto bioregional system

V. Guerra, M. Iacoviello, E. Pierelli, D. B. Lenoci, M. Bastiani, V. Venerucci

The restoration of the riparian vegetation in regional planning

A. Ebone, A. Giannetta, P. Mancin, P. G. Terzuolo

The environmental governance of the Agro Pontino: from the ecological network to River Contracts

S. Magaudda, S. Muccitelli, C. Pozzi

The Ecological Network Contract in the Province of Varese: taking stock of 5th year of implementation

F. Luoni, M. Soldarini, S. Barbieri, A. Canziani

The Melfa River Contract, a territorial gamble for the sustainable development of southern Lazio

G. Grossi, V. Polsinelli

Olona enters the city: reconstruction of the fluvial ecological corridor in the dense metropolitan fabric

G. Forloni, A. Lombardi, F. Monza, A. Bosani, L. Baio, D. Di Simine, M. Clerici

Win-win approach: a project for hydraulic safety and ecological functionality in the Lura stream valley

S. Ciadamidaro, G. L. Rossi, F. Occhiuto, M. R. Minciardi