Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

XXXI Review of the Sea
XXXI Review of the Sea
Oct 06, 2022 — Oct 09, 2022 Gallipoli

Safeguarding of biological resources and blue economy
The priority objective of the XXXI Review of the Sea is to address issues related to: sea, fishing, aquaculture, ecosystem services, offshore marine renewable energy, blue economy, maritime spatial planning, climate change, saline intrusion, tourism and ports, sustainable development of marine-coastal areas, integrated maritime policy, biodiversity, European green deal.

Report on climate impacts in the Mediterranean area
Report on climate impacts in the Mediterranean area
Oct 05, 2022 — Oct 08, 2022 Florence, Fortezza da Basso

From 5 to 8 October, Earth Technology Expo will host the Euro-Mediterranean Conference which will involve scientists, experts, political decision-makers, national and international associations and organizations, and all the civil protection structures of the countries bordering the Mare Nostrum.

The event will focus on the presentation of the First Scientific Report on short and long-term climate impacts in the Mediterranean area

Sea and lagoon: say, do and… monitor!
Sea and lagoon: say, do and… monitor!
Sep 30, 2022 08:00 PM — Oct 01, 2022 01:00 AM Chioggia (VE), Cortile di Palazzo Grassi

ISPRA researchers are available to adults and children in the
Marine Biology headquarters of the University of Padua for an evening of knowledge and exchange. The monitoring, conservation and restoration of the lagoon and marine environment carried out by the Institute on the territory will be illustrated

European Researchers' Night 2022
European Researchers' Night 2022
Sep 30, 2022 — Oct 01, 2022

Also this year ISPRA will participate in the European Night of Researchers together with 10 other public research bodies and universities.
The initiative, which will be held throughout Europe on Friday 30 September, is an opportunity to bring citizens closer to the world of scientific research and to discover the activities and results of public research on the most topical issues.

With talks, shows, games, experiments, our researchers will talk to us about circular economy, climate change, biodiversity, soil and sea protection and much more ....

Further information

The coasts of the Mediterranean: bridges between environment and cultures
The coasts of the Mediterranean: bridges between environment and cultures
Sep 28, 2022 09:00 PM — Sep 28, 2022 10:00 PM Roma Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia

A conversation on the exchanges and transformations that take place along the coasts of the Mediterranean, to demonstrate how the coasts have been, since ancient times, the bridge of not only commercial but also, and above all, cultural exchanges, enriching existing traditions and generating new ones.

X Edition of the Study Days "Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies"
X Edition of the Study Days "Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies"
Sep 28, 2022 03:00 PM — Sep 30, 2022 02:30 PM Lido di Camaiore (Lu)

Ecotoxicology today, from yesterday's experiences to tomorrow's applications.
This year's event is particularly important as the tenth of the series, an opportunity to retrace together the scientific and applied evolution of Ecotoxicology, above all in the Italian reality of the last twenty years, in order to investigate the critical issues of 'today and lay the foundations for future prospects.

Aquaculture Europe 2022
Aquaculture Europe 2022
Sep 27, 2022 12:30 PM — Sep 27, 2022 05:30 PM Rimini - Palacongressi, Porto Room

From 27 to 30 September, Aquaculture Europe 2022, the most important European event on Aquaculture, will take place at the Palacongressi in Rimini.
ISPRA will be present at this important event with its own stand and among the promoters of the workshop: "Identification, promotion and implementation of Copernicus products, applications and services for aquaculture stakeholders", which will be held on 27 September starting from 10.30 at the Porto Room

Kick off meeting progetto PNRR "Tech4You"
Kick off meeting progetto PNRR "Tech4You"
Sep 27, 2022 11:30 AM — Sep 27, 2022 06:30 PM Rende

The Kick off meeting of the PNRR "Tech4You" project will be held on 27 September at the University of Calabria. As part of the project, ISPRA participates as an affiliated partner in Spoke 2 - Goal 2.3 "Protection and enhancement of biodiversity". The project aims to study and protect the marine environment.

Seen from the North. A historical-cultural and environmental vision of the Mediterranean seen from Venice
Seen from the North. A historical-cultural and environmental vision of the Mediterranean seen from Venice
Sep 24, 2022 06:00 PM — Sep 24, 2022 08:00 PM Venice, Sala Capitolare della Scuola Grande San Teodoro

Since May of this year, the Mediterranea boat has sailed in the sea of ​​Sicily and along the Ionian coast of Calabria and Puglia to then go up the entire Adriatic and is about to reach Venice. On the occasion of the Venetian port of call, Project Mediterranea organized a Round Table on the Mediterranean inviting prestigious guests from the culture and history of Venice and the scientific world dedicated to the sea.

Livorno and the sea: scientists on bicycles
Livorno and the sea: scientists on bicycles
Sep 23, 2022 06:00 PM — Sep 23, 2022 09:30 PM Livorno, dogana d’Acqua Via del Cedro

The researchers of ISPRA and CNR-IBE, in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, the CIBM, the LaMMA Consortium, the Port Authority, the AMP of Meloria, the Naval League section Livorno, the Livorno Aquarium, the Circolo Windsurd 3 Ponti Livorno and the FIAB Livorno, with the patronage of the Municipality of Livorno, invite you to set sail for a trip by bicycle to discover the scientific research dedicated to the SEA in the city of Livorno.

Going to the sea, knowing in order not to risk
Going to the sea, knowing in order not to risk
Sep 23, 2022 11:30 AM — Sep 23, 2022 03:00 PM Genova

The final event of the GIAS Project is held in Genoa on 23 September. The fundamental objective of the project is to help minimize the risk of collision between boats (both due to weather-induced phenomena, and to the presence of large obstacles in the sea) and to increase awareness of the risk on the part of sea users, also by promoting a better emergency management in the event of an accident.

Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment - III edtion
Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment - III edtion
Sep 20, 2022 — Sep 23, 2022 Ponza

The summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment is aimed at training students, doctoral students, researchers, technicians engaged in the environmental field on multidisciplinary approaches and new technologies that can be used in the study of marine-coastal environments

ISPRA and the RAMOGE 2022 Oceanographic Campaign - First important results in the study of biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures on canyons and submerged rocky outcrops of the Ligurian Sea
ISPRA and the RAMOGE 2022 Oceanographic Campaign - First important results in the study of biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures on canyons and submerged rocky outcrops of the Ligurian Sea
Sep 13, 2022

On Wednesday 7 September, the ISPRA research vessel "Astrea" started the RAMOGE 2022 oceanographic campaign from the port of Savona, for the study of the deep environments of France, the Principality of Monaco and Italy, the countries that have signed the RAMOGE Agreement. This new initiative follows the experiences of the two previous RAMOGE campaigns, conducted respectively in 2015, with "Astrea", and in 2018, on board the French research ship "L’Atalante" of IFREMER.

Book presentation: "Walking in the environment"
Book presentation: "Walking in the environment"
Sep 10, 2022 — Sep 11, 2022 Trevignano Romano

As part of the Naturarte festival, the presentation of the Volume "Walking in the enviromnet" will be held on Sunday 11 September, a publication produced by ISPRA aimed at an audience of young students, teachers and non-experts, to find out about the state of health of environment in which we live and promote its protection.

The Monk seal has returned to Capraia
The Monk seal has returned to Capraia
Sep 09, 2022

Since the specimen was sighted, monitoring of the cave of the island of Capraia has begun, chosen as a home by a monk seal. The control and monitoring activity involved the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, ISPRA, the Municipality of Capraia and the Port Authority.
The monk seal had been missing from the waters of the central Tyrrhenian Sea since the 1960s and its return is of enormous value in terms of protecting marine biodiversity. Until now, there were images of the monk seal of only a few seconds taken with occasional shots at the water's edge. For the first time it is possible to see the animal inside its "den" in the resting phase.

State of the art of observation systems to assess environmental threats to the Mediterranean ecosystem
State of the art of observation systems to assess environmental threats to the Mediterranean ecosystem
Sep 08, 2022 12:00 PM — Sep 08, 2022 06:30 PM Rome

On Thursday 8 September the national event of the ShareMED project group will be held in Rome at the National Research Council, the main objective of which is to increase the capacity of the authorities (trans-national, national and local) of the Mediterranean to jointly evaluate and address the risks related to pollution and the co-existing environmental threats of our seas.

Help the sea in the presence of oil: CIMA project
Help the sea in the presence of oil: CIMA project
Aug 10, 2022

From September 15, 2021, the technical-scientific collaboration agreement, called CIMA (Contrast to Accidental Marine Pollution by Hydrocarbons), signed between ISPRA and eleven marine protected areas (AAMMPP) in order to strengthen the protection of marine ecosystems in areas of high naturalistic value, through the "Implementation of activities aimed at the prevention and contrast of accidental pollution by hydrocarbons in Marine Protected Areas".
When a seabird comes into contact with hydrocarbons, it is no longer able to swim and fly: therefore it cannot find food and escape predators.

Find out what you can do if you notice oil in the sea.

Memorandum of understanding signed between ISPRA and the General Command of the Coast Guard for the monitoring and control of the coastal marine environment
Memorandum of understanding signed between ISPRA and the General Command of the Coast Guard for the monitoring and control of the coastal marine environment
Aug 04, 2022

The President of ISPRA and SNPA, Prefect Stefano Laporta and the General Commander of the Port Authority Corps - Coast Guard, Adm. Isp. Chief Nicola Carlone, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding, lasting three years, to consolidate the collaboration between the Parties for the protection of the marine and coastal environment, through joint monitoring and assessment activities with the use of means and specialised personnel.

Beware of those 4! The alien fishes in our seas to know and recognize
Beware of those 4! The alien fishes in our seas to know and recognize
Aug 01, 2022

How? The ISPRA and CNR IRBIM campaign teaches us this.

Spotted puffer fish, scorpion fish, dark rabbit fish and striped rabbit fish. The four invasive alien species of tropical origin reported in the Italian seas have all arrived from the Suez Canal, for the first time in Sicily, to which attention should be paid to avoid unpleasant accidents.

ISPRA and the Institute for Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnologies of the National Research Council (Cnr-Irbim) launch the "Beware of those 4" campaign to inform citizens, explain how to recognize them and monitor their presence and distribution in Italian waters, thanks also to reports from fishermen and divers.

ISPRA and CNR-IRBIM invite all fishermen, divers and anyone who has observed or captured one of these species in Italian waters, to document with photos / videos and send their observation via WhatsApp to the phone number + 320 4365210 or post it on Oddfish Facebook group - using the hashtag: #Attenti4

"Sea Robot - The challenges of marine exploration" at the Ortigia Film Festival
"Sea Robot - The challenges of marine exploration" at the Ortigia Film Festival
Jul 21, 2022 12:15 AM — Jul 21, 2022 01:15 AM Area Marina Protetta del Plemmirio Siracusa

The documentary ISPRA Sea Robot - The challenges of marine exploration was selected by the Ortigia Film Festival, section The voice of the sea. On 20 July the director will meet the public on the occasion of the showing of the documentary in the Sala Ferruzza Romano of the Plemmirio Marine Protected Area.

Video of the project Mo.Ri.Net
Video of the project Mo.Ri.Net
Jul 11, 2022

The project Mo.Ri.Net (Monitoring, census, collection and initiation of the recycling of ghost nets: fishermen as protagonists of the protection of the sea) aims to make a significant contribution to the problem of marine litter, responsible for a direct environmental impact on protected habitats and species . The project takes place in the marine protected areas of the Asinara and Capo Carbonara islands and in the neighboring areas, through experimental actions for the collection and management of marine litter on land, actively involving fishermen and raising awareness on the issue with dissemination activities.

PLASTIC BUSTER. Presented the documentary today.
PLASTIC BUSTER. Presented the documentary today.
Jul 08, 2022

The documentary PLASTIC BUSTERS in the Italian version was presented today. For the first time on a Mediterranean scale, EU countries and accession candidate states join forces to tackle the problem of marine litter with a coordinated approach. Starting from some pilot protected areas, the consequences generated on the marine environment and the health of its fauna were studied

Presentation of the "M.A.R.E" project
Presentation of the "M.A.R.E" project
Jul 07, 2022 09:00 PM Aquarium of Livorno

The Italian Naval League, Livorno section, with the patronage of the Municipality of Livorno, will host the "M.A.R.E." (Marine Adventure for Research and Education) project, developed in collaboration with One Ocean Foundation, in the Panoramic Room of the aquarium.

Summer Camp - The Nature of Sea 2022
Summer Camp - The Nature of Sea 2022
Jun 23, 2022 — Jun 25, 2022 Rimini

For the health of the sea and its marine and coastal habitats
A summer training school with young university students, professionals and public officials, while the teachers are professors of the three sponsoring universities, experts in ecological subjects, representatives of active citizenship and associations, personalities with clear ecological, environmental and sustainable culture.

The sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
The sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
Jun 23, 2022 — Jun 24, 2022 Capri/streaming live

Renewable sources, energy efficiency, water purification, recovery and recycling of materials: the smaller islands could be the place of sustainability, territories at the forefront of managing the challenges of global warming.
Capri will be the protagonist of two days with international guests on the occasion of a conference promoted by Legambiente and CNR-IIA, with Terna as sponsor and the patronage of the Municipality of Capri and Anacapri, on a highly topical issue such as that of the sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas

Marine Protected Areas: strategies and governance, towards the ecological transition
Marine Protected Areas: strategies and governance, towards the ecological transition
Jun 22, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 22, 2022 06:30 PM Brindisi/Streaming ive

The day aims to develop a focus on the perspectives of Marine Protected Areas also in light of the ambitious European objectives that aim to have 30% of the marine surface protected by 2030.

The new European Thematic Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystems of the European Environment Agency is born
The new European Thematic Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystems of the European Environment Agency is born
Jun 22, 2022 — Jun 22, 2022

Today the European Environment Agency (EEA)has informed of the birth of the new European Thematic Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystems, the ETC / BE, which will start its activities in 2023 for a first cycle that will last until 2026. and of which ISPRA is a member.

Strong Sea project introduce the SEAWatcher app
Strong Sea project introduce the SEAWatcher app
Jun 21, 2022 07:30 PM — Jun 22, 2022 09:00 PM Castelsardo (SS) Porto Turistico, Sala Conferenze Ge.Cas. (21/06/2022) - Porto Torres (SS), Lungomare Balai, Sa Renaredda (22/06/2022)

On 21 and 22 June 2022, within the scientific framework of the Life Strong Sea project, ISPRA, Agris, the Asinara Park and the North Sardinia Flag will present the SEAWatcher App in two municipalities in Northern Sardegna: Castelsardo and Porto Torres . SEAWatcher, developed by MITE, is the app connected to #StrongSeaLife. It is the tool to facilitate the recovery of ghost nets and gear lost at sea.

Started the activity on field of MoRinet project
Started the activity on field of MoRinet project
Jun 15, 2022

Field activities have begun in the Gulf of Asinara and in the Marine Protected Area of ​​Capo Carbonara (Villasimius) of the project(Monitoring, census, removal and recycling of ghost nets: fishermen as key players in the safeguard of the sea.
Through campaigns on board fishing boats and scuba diving, ISPRA, together with the University of Siena and the Carabinieri Underwater Unit of Cagliari, give life to the phase of the project which involves the characterization of the two areas subject to protection, describing the populations present. At the same time, the number and type of marine litter will be determined to remove, if possible, the fishermen and the underwater carabinieri. The collected waste, which has suitable characteristics, will be sent to the recycling process to start a new life thanks to the Polieco Consortium, while the non-recyclable ones will be sent for proper disposal.

Jelly. Systems and tools for locating jellyfishs and predicting their displacement towards the coast
Jelly. Systems and tools for locating jellyfishs and predicting their displacement towards the coast
Jun 15, 2022 11:30 AM — Jun 15, 2022 03:00 PM Online event

In the last decade the presence of jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea is rising causing impacts on the marine environment and on human activities.
In order to mitigate this phenomenon a key strategy comprises the setting up of early warning and forecasting systems based on large scale observations and numerical model fields such as those available from the Copernicus products (EO and other data from the Marine Environment Monitoring Service).

The workshop aims to discuss the latest improvements in the detection, spreading and forecasting of jellyfish blooms and the different experiences on the use of Copernicus data in this field. 
It will be organized in two sessions: the first concerning the observation methods and the second concerning the occurrence and dispersal forecasting of jellyfish blooms.
