The sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
Renewable sources, energy efficiency, water purification, recovery and recycling of materials: the smaller islands could be the place of sustainability, territories at the forefront of managing the challenges of global warming.
Capri will be the protagonist of two days with international guests on the occasion of a conference promoted by Legambiente and CNR-IIA, with Terna as sponsor and the patronage of the Municipality of Capri and Anacapri, on a highly topical issue such as that of the sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
- The sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
- 2022-06-23T00:00:00+00:00
- 2022-06-24T23:59:59+00:00
- Renewable sources, energy efficiency, water purification, recovery and recycling of materials: the smaller islands could be the place of sustainability, territories at the forefront of managing the challenges of global warming. Capri will be the protagonist of two days with international guests on the occasion of a conference promoted by Legambiente and CNR-IIA, with Terna as sponsor and the patronage of the Municipality of Capri and Anacapri, on a highly topical issue such as that of the sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
- When Jun 23, 2022 to Jun 24, 2022 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Capri/streaming live
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On 24 June, an ISPRA researcher will participate in the conference "Adapting coastal areas to climate change and combating erosion".