Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Biodiversity festival

Mar 05, 2021 to Mar 08, 2021 Online event,
Next 5 march it will start the Biodiversity Festival, a training way inside the Biodiversity Day project of the student association UniversiRà of Campus University of Ravenna.

World Seagrass Day

Underwater seagrass  are important ecosystems for oceans. They produce huge quantities of oxygen and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, provide food and protection for many species and nourish beaches. Unfortunately they are severely threatened by anthropogenic impacts and it is essential to improve the conservation and monitoring of these ecosystems around the world.

World Wildlife Day

On March 3, the UN celebrates World Wildlife Day, which this year focus on "Forests and livelihoods: supporting people and the planet". In the Castelporziano Estate in Rome, ISPRA works with the General Secretariat of the Republic Presidency  to monitor the wildlife populations, follow their demographic dynamics, providing indications for the conservation and management of wild species populations. Biodiversity shows itself in its complex balances and relationships on the coast a few steps from the capital.

Journey to mining Italy

Mar 04, 2021 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM Online event,
Today 4 March at 18:00  streaming live on the Facebook pages of ReMi ,  Fondazione ISEC  e  Musil  (Musil Brescia - Sistema Museale dell'Industria e del Lavoro di Brescia) the Network coordinator ReMi- ISPRA will present “ Journey to mining Italy ", the luxurious volume totally dedicated to parks and mining museum reconverted and enhanced.

Bellagio declaration

The Bellagio Declaration on monitoring progress towards the circular economy is available in its final version after the approval of the General Directors of the European Environmental Agencies-EEA.


Nauticinblu is an educational path, organized by Marevivo, which involves about 1500 students every year, coming from nautical institutes of Italy, in order to provide new skills to complete their training, including environmental protection and the sustainability of marine resources.

Earth Tecnology Expo

Mar 15, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
Geo-spatial observation of the Earth. Satellites, scientific instruments and technologies made in Italy in orbit for the control of the territory and the reduction of natural risks.

Circular economy and innovation towards the Green Deal

Mar 10, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Webinar,
First of four appointments in the cycle of free webinars on the theme of the circular economy and innovation, organized by the University of Ferrara, the Research Center on the circular economy, innovation and SMEs (CERCIS) of the Department of Economics and Management of Unife and the SEEDS inter-university research center, Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies.

ISPRA: technical support for the state and ecological transition

Mar 11, 2021 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Webinar,
On Thursday 11 March at 2 pm the webinar will take place: "ISPRA: technical support for the state and ecological transition (training, job prospects in the institution, external activities, ongoing projects)" organized by the Sciences Department of the University of Pisa.

Tsumani in Japan: ten years later

Next 11 March will be held: “11.03.11| 11.03.21 Tsunami in Japan: Ten years later” on the channel  YouTube INGVEventi. Scientists from INGV, and in particular from the Tsunami Warning Center (CAT), will analyze what happened in the tragic event of 11 March 2011, one of the five strongest earthquakes in the last 100 years.

Pesticides and health: from the environment to the food chain, risks and prevention strategies

Mar 24, 2021 from 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM Webinar,
The National Order of Biologists is organizing a theoretical-practical course entitled: "Pesticides and health: from the environment to the food chain, risks and prevention strategies". The event will be divided into a theoretical part in webinar modality, which will be held on 24 March 2021, and a practical part which, if the national epidemiological situation will allows, on 16 or 23 June 2021.

Lead in hunting ammunition represents a threat to eagles and vultures

In Europe, eagles and vultures are heavily exposed to lead poisoning from lead ammunition used for hunting. This is the result of a research carried out by an Italian team made up of experts from Stelvio National Park, Sondrio Province, Istituto Zooprofilattico della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna (IZSLER) and ISPRA, and recently published in the journal  Science of the Total Environment.

Webinar Project SOMMIT

Apr 23, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
The purpose of the webinar is to provide an overview of 2006 IPCC guidelines for national GHG Inventories (and 2019 refinement) for the estimation of soil’s carbon stock changes and non-CO2 emissions from agricultural soils.