Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA Publication

Methodological cards for sampling and analysis of biological quality elements in the marine coastal environment.


The monitoring activities of the marine coastal environment conducted under existing laws, provide for the sampling and analysis of some indicators of biological and hydrological and chemical elements, in order to characterize the quality of coastal marine environments.
Methodological cards relating to the four biological quality elements:

Here are two Technical Documents which cover the criteria for the definition of coastal types:

  • Typization on a geo-morphological basis ; (document is based on the publication of Brondi et al., 2003, "Italian Coastal Typology for the European Water Framework Directive", which describes in detail the characterization of several coastal morphological types).
  • Typization on a hydrological basis (in this one are set up procedures for the calculation of the parameters of density and stability. The programs for calculation of these parameters can be requested by e-mail at this address: