Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA experts in Turkey to study the effects of last February's earthquake on the environment

ISPRA participated from 24 to 26 April in the mission to Ankara, organized by the Civil Protection Department in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Turkey, aimed at meeting the main Turkish institutions involved in the emergency and post-emergency phases of the seismic sequence of 6 and 7 February that hit Turkey and Syria. The meetings were preparatory to the new mission underway from 7 to 13 May, agreed with AFAD (Turkish Civil Protection), on the places affected by the earthquakes.

In the second mission, ISPRA will participate in the scientific investigation of the effects induced by earthquakes on the environment, with particular reference to the primary (tectonic) and secondary geological effects observable on the surface in the epicentral area. Therefore, the evaluation of the site effects due to the local seismic response and of the local macroseismic intensity will be carried out on the basis of the effects on the environment (using the ESI-Environmental Seismic Intensity scale).