Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


MoSCaS project - Models and tools for the characterization of underground cavities

The MoSCaS project - Models and tools for the characterization of underground cavities funded by MATTM, aims to create guidelines for the management of the risk represented by underground cavities in urban areas. It is divided into 3 Work Packages (divided into tasks) which concern techniques for the identification, sizing and characterization of cavities, the use of mathematical and empirical models for the stability analysis, the creation of guidelines for the in safety and risk management. The activities will be carried out by 3 Operational Units (UO) that have gained specific experience in the various aspects of the strategic line (c), through research projects and contracts financed by public and private bodies: the University of Florence (UNIFI), which coordinates the entire project, the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). Each UO is composed of teachers and researchers with both geological and engineering skills, so as to guarantee integrated and interdisciplinary research.