Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Agreement ISPRA- Italian State Railways for the study of landslides

ISPRA and the Italian State Railways, in order to improve the general frame on the information for landslides along the national railways, have signed an agreement on the field of hydrogeological instability, with a total duration of six years involving two phases of intervention. The first one, which will last 30 months, plans to test a methodology on three sample railway routes, chosen as representative of the types of landslide in Italy.

Food waste national day

The national day of 5 February remind us that waste food is one the environmental and socio-economic issues that humanity is facing. For this reasons, ISPRA has produced a report that reviews international literature and analyzes the most relevant links between food wastage and other issues, such a land/soil, water, energy consumption, degradation of biological integrity, climate change, alteration of the nitrogen cycle, food safety and sovereignty, circular bioeconomy, in order to build a socio-ecological vision

PON governance, Cohesion policy Department and ISPRA together for a webinar on transparency and statistic information

During the Open public administration week, ISPRA will present the project : Environmental statistics for the cohesion politics 2014-2020, in definition phase in the frame of PON Governance and Capacity Building. The webinar, organized by the Managing Authority of the Operational Program and the Evaluation planning analysis Unit (NUVAP) of the Cohesion Policy Department will start Friday 9 February at 10.30.

First conference National Observatory of the River contracts

Feb 05, 2018 from 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM Rome, room of Parliamentary Groups of the Chamber of Deputies, via del Campo Marzio, 72,
On 5 February 2018 in the room of Parliamentary Groups of the Chamber of Deputies will be held the first First conference National Observatory of the River Contracts, a normative protocol, established at the Ministry of Environment last november 2017. The Observatory promoted and coordinated by the Ministry of Environment - included ISPRA, Regions, Basin Authority and experts of River protocol - is a central structure of coordination that answer to the need  of harmonization to implementation the River Contracts (of coastline, lake, groundwater, etc.) on a local, regional and national scale. The General Director of Ispra will be part of the afternoon session of the works.