Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



European Researchers' Night 2022

Sep 30, 2022 to Oct 01, 2022
Also this year ISPRA will participate in the European Night of Researchers together with 10 other public research bodies and universities. The initiative, which will be held throughout Europe on Friday 30 September, is an opportunity to bring citizens closer to the world of scientific research and to discover the activities and results of public research on the most topical issues. With talks, shows, games, experiments, our researchers will talk to us about circular economy, climate change, biodiversity, soil and sea protection and much more .... Further information

On the wings of bees

Sep 29, 2022 from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM Roma Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia,
On the occasion of the “European Researchers' Night”, ISPRA promotes an event dedicated to biodiversity and the world of bees. What is the importance of these insects for the planet and what are the risks for their survival? What role does research play in understanding their decline and in devising solutions to reverse their trend? The words of the researchers will accompany the documentary "A world in danger" by Markus Imoof on a journey into the world of bees and the relationships between this insect, man and other species.

Scientific Trekking "Naturalistic walk in the wood of Palo Laziale: an open-air laboratory"

Sep 10, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Palo Laziale, Piazzale close railway station,
Before the next European Night of Researchers and Female Researchers 2022, ISPRA is promoting together with the La Sapienza University and the CNR, a scientific trekking in a forest, called "selva", which in recent years has had to deal with climate change and incorrect management, but which manages to resist. Thanks also to the work of the researchers of the University of Rome La Sapienza who will accompany us to discover the historical and naturalistic beauties of this area and the dangers that threaten this green heart of the Lazio coast.

Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment - III edition

Sep 20, 2022 02:00 PM to Sep 23, 2022 01:15 PM Isola di Ponza (LT) Sala Comunale - Comune di Ponza,
The school is aimed at training students, doctoral students, researchers, technicians involved in the environmental field and various issues will be addressed ranging from marine geology, to geomorphology and sedimentology, to biological and ecological aspects in a multidisciplinary approach for the study of marine-coastal environments trying to stimulate future researchers on new research topics of interest for the environmental challenges to be faced in the coming decades.  

Green city: the color of the urban sustainability - Scientific aperitif

Sep 27, 2022 from 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM Roma Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia,
Creating environmental and social conditions to develop sustainable cities and communities is one of the challenges we are called to respond to in the near future. Nature-based solutions, inspired by the functioning of natural ecosystems, can be an active tool for sustainable management of urban areas, to address in an integrated way the environmental and social problems caused by global and climate change

Sea and lagoon: say, do and… monitor!

Sep 30, 2022 from 06:00 PM to 11:00 PM Chioggia (VE), Cortile di Palazzo Grassi,
ISPRA researchers are available to adults and children in the Marine Biology headquarters of the University of Padua for an evening of knowledge and exchange. The monitoring, conservation and restoration of the lagoon and marine environment carried out by the Institute on the territory will be illustrated

The coasts of the Mediterranean: bridges between environment and cultures

Sep 28, 2022 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM Roma Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia,
A conversation on the exchanges and transformations that take place along the coasts of the Mediterranean, to demonstrate how the coasts have been, since ancient times, the bridge of not only commercial but also, and above all, cultural exchanges, enriching existing traditions and generating new ones.

Livorno and the sea: scientists on bicycles

Sep 23, 2022 from 04:00 PM to 07:30 PM Livorno, dogana d’Acqua Via del Cedro,
The researchers of ISPRA and CNR-IBE, in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, the CIBM, the LaMMA Consortium, the Port Authority, the AMP of Meloria, the Naval League section Livorno, the Livorno Aquarium, the Circolo Windsurd 3 Ponti Livorno and the FIAB Livorno, with the patronage of the Municipality of Livorno, invite you to set sail for a trip by bicycle to discover the scientific research dedicated to the SEA in the city of Livorno.

Following the river of science

Sep 30, 2022 from 06:00 PM to 11:00 PM Livorno, ISPRA Via Del Cedro, 38,
The ISPRA researchers from Livorno will welcome all aspiring scientists to make a journey that will touch on many issues; from bird migration to climate change, from alien species to marine environment pollution. The six thematic modules proposed will start at the same time and will be repeated in the afternoon and evening shifts.

Indicators, indices and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends

Sep 28, 2022 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Webinar,
On 28 September ISPRA is presenting the methodological document "Indicators, index and scenarios for the analysis of the main environmental trends". The publication analyzes the main emerging environmental issues (natural capital, climate change, circular economy and environment and health) through three different approaches whose common thread is the use of the indicators present in the  Environmental indicators database . The first relates the trends of the environmental indicators and the regulatory changes of reference, the second proposes a description of the trends of the main environmental issues using composite index, finally, the third describes the process of construction of environmental scenarios. Program Indicators, indices, and future studies for the analysis of the main environmental trends

Aquaculture Europe 2022

Sep 27, 2022 from 10:30 AM to 03:30 PM Rimini - Palacongressi, Porto Room,
From 27 to 30 September, Aquaculture Europe 2022, the most important European event on Aquaculture, will take place at the Palacongressi in Rimini. ISPRA will be present at this important event with its own stand and among the promoters of the workshop: "Identification, promotion and implementation of Copernicus products, applications and services for aquaculture stakeholders", which will be held on 27 September starting from 10.30 at the Porto Room

Circular economy. Buying, not buying: how to navigate the "green" market and make informed choices

Sep 30, 2022 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia,
There is a lot of talk about the circular economy as the solution to environmental problems and climate change. Citizens are often encouraged to adopt a sustainable lifestyle which also includes purchasing green products and services. But how to distinguish the correct information on a product from green washing advertising? In this meeting of experts they will talk about concrete actions and results to guide the citizen / consumer in purchasing choices.

X Edition of the Study Days "Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies"

Sep 28, 2022 01:00 PM to Sep 30, 2022 12:30 PM Lido di Camaiore (Lu),
Ecotoxicology today, from yesterday's experiences to tomorrow's applications. This year's event is particularly important as the tenth of the series, an opportunity to retrace together the scientific and applied evolution of Ecotoxicology, above all in the Italian reality of the last twenty years, in order to investigate the critical issues of 'today and lay the foundations for future prospects.