Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Ostreopsis ovata algal blooms along the Italian coast

Study day

Roma, 23 Marrch 2011, ISPRA, Via Curtatone, 3 ISPRA organized an updating seminar on March 23, 2011 about the topics addressed during the "line of actitvities of Ostreopsis ovata algal blooms along the Italian coast", with ARPA's experts reporting on the bathing season 2010 and other scientific experts from institutes such as the Marine Research Centre of Cesenatico, the University of Rome, the Anton Dohrn of Naples (Bentox-net) and the Directorate of Nature Protection of the MATTM. The study day will be held from 10.00 to 17.00 in ISPRA, Via Curtatone 3, Sala Fazzini. It will be divided into one update session followed by a discussion session.