Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The Directory of the implementation status of the Park Plans in National Parks has been updated to 08/31/2023

The Park Plan is the instrument with which the Park Authority pursues "the protection of natural and environmental as well as traditional historical, cultural and anthropological values".

The Repertoire through maps, diagrams and official documents produced by the Competent Bodies (State, Regions, Park Bodies) as well as the contents of the Determination of 14 March 2023, n. 32 of the Court of Auditors "DETERMINATION AND REPORT ON THE RESULT OF THE CONTROL ON THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE 23 NATIONAL PARK ENTITIES" referring to the year 2021, allows us to understand the current state of the Planning of the Plans of the 25 National Parks currently established.

For each National Park it is possible to identify the exact point of the plan process and the most recent official act.