Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Tropical species in the marine environment, an alert for human health

ISPRA re-launches the information campaign. In the summer, with the exponential increase of users of the marine environment, it is very important to know and be able to distinguish the invasive marine species, in particular those that can be dangers for human health. ISPRA, which has been studying the phenomenon for years, therefore re-launches the alert campaign on the spotted puffer fish Lagocephalus sceleratus and on the scorpion fish Pterois mile. Spotted puffer fish, reported for the first time on the Italian coast in September 2013, within the Marine Protected Area of the Pelagie Islands, continues to expand its geographical distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. The scorpion fish is one of the most invasive marine species in the world. Accidentally introduced in Florida in the late 1980s, it invaded the entire Caribbean Sea and much of the western Atlantic coast, with impacts on coastal marine biodiversity, mainly due to its formidable predatory capacity.

The President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati receives the President of ISPRA and SNPA Stefano Laporta

The President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati has received this morning at 12.00 the President of ISPRA and SNPA Stefano Laporta, who presented the main activities of the Institute and the National System for Environmental Protection, illustrating the objectives, the results achieved and future commitments. Giovanni Agnesod, Director of ARPA Valle d'Aosta and Carlo Emanuele Pepe, Director of Arpa Liguria, also took part in the meeting.

General States of the Tiber - First Report on the State of the Tiber Basin

Nov 14, 2018 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Rome,
Today at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers there is a conference on the following topics: General States of the Tiber - First Report on the State of the Tiber Basin,Water quality and river ecosystem, River contracts, Start of investigations on discharges and withdrawals.Presentation of the Flood Defense Works Plan. At the meeting  Ispra President Stefano Laporta.

Ecomondo opend by Minister of Environment Sergio Costa

The 22nd edition of Ecomondo was opened yesterday in Rimini by Minister Sergio Costa "These are difficult days for Italy, but I’m there to reaffirm the commitment of the Ministry of Environment and the Government to build a circular economy". The fair of the green and circular economy in the Euro-Mediterranean area is h international event with an innovative format that combines in a single platform all sectors of the circular economy: from the recovery of matter and energy to sustainable development and will continue 9 november.

How to implement the European strategy on plastics in a circular economy

Nov 07, 2018 from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM Ecomondo - Fiera di Rimini,
Fiera of Rimini, 7 november The European strategy on plastics in a circular economy was published on 16 January 2018. The Commission states that "The strategy is part of Europe's transition towards a circular economy and will also contribute to the achievement of sustainable development targets  and industrial  strategies of UE and the maintenance of global climate commitments ". There are three main issues that the strategy aims to address: reduce the use of fossil fuels for the production of plastic objects, increase the recycling rate of plastic objects, minimize dispersion in the environment and especially in the seas

The circular economy and the new EU waste package: opportunities and critical issues for the Italian system

Nov 08, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM Ecomondo - Fiera di Rimini,
The new package of EU waste directives is strongly based on the principles of the circular economy and introduces tools to achieve this goal, including the reduction by 2035 of the amount of urban waste landfilled to 10%, or a lower percentage , of the total urban waste produced. The Conference has as its objective a preliminary assessment of the possible consequences of the new EU legislative package on the Italian system (Public Administration, sector operators, citizens, etc.) in terms of both opportunities and problems.