Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Active mobility - Making the change towards a green and healthy urban transport environment

  • When Nov 09, 2018 from 09:30 AM to 04:00 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Rimini
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Next 9 November in Rimini in conjunction with the international conference "Ecomondo", various initiatives will take place as foreseen by the UNECE / WHO THE PEP program (Transport, Health and the Environment Pan-European Program) "Active mobility - Making the change towards a green and healthy urban transport environment".

The main objective of the event will be to share the best practices of active mobility and debate innovations in the sector that improve the well-being of the urban population and help metropolitan communities, and the countries as a whole, to achieve the goals set in 2030 by Sustainable Development Agenda.

An expert Ispra will partecipate at the initiative.
