Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Historical naturalistic walk in the Caffarella Valley

Oct 17, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Roma, Largo Tacchi Venturi,
The scientific trekking of the NET Project and ScienzaInsieme will continue: waiting for the European Researchers' Night, ISPRA organizes a walk in the Caffarella Park, part of the Regional Park of Appia Antica.  An example of Roman countryside within the city, where nature and ancient monuments coexist with agricultural activity and pastoralism

ItaliAmbiente and the recovery: information and best practices of the National System

Oct 21, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Streaming online,
Presentation of the Report Environment SNPA The state of the environment in Italy region for region, seen by the perspectives of the regional environmental agencies according to the vision of the National System for the Environmental Protection. During the event will be presented the experiences, the controls on the territory, the prevention and protection activities that the agencies carry out in order to monitor pollution and complex situations from the point of view of the ecosystem and human actions. The Best practices will be discussed in an online meeting with the participation of the General Directors of  SNPA and of the local and national institutions. A system, that of SNPA, born in 2016 that carries out its work at a local level, present in the territory, and which coordinates at national technical level with the guidance of ISPRA, in an integrated vision of information exchange, in order to guarantee identical environmental performance and an ever greater homogenization of the criteria, essential for the Country.

Geology and History Fifth day - The ancient cartographic representation of the territory and geomorphological processes

Oct 28, 2020 from 09:00 AM to 02:30 PM Rome, ISPRA - Sala Conferenze, Via V. Brancati 48,
The Department for the Geological Service of Italy - ISPRA, the Italian Geographic Society and SIGEA (Italian Society of Environmental Geology) propose a day study on "The ancient cartographic representation of the territory and geomorphological processes". This day is the fifth of the cycle “Study Days of Geology and History”, events organized to present the current state of knowledge related to the importance of historical and cartographic sources for the study of geological phenomena and natural catastrophic events. 

Workshop Life project LIFE Sic2Sic by bike through the Italian Natura 2000 network: Nature in Sicily

Oct 02, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Palermo,
The workshop is the final meeting moment of the Sicilian tour of the LIFE Sic2Sic communication project, which was supported by Ispra experts and  partners (Ares 2.0, Enne3 Incubatore Università Piemonte Orientale and Italian Federation of the Environment and Bicycle, FIAB) cycling for 4 weeks an ideal "network" of connection between the sites of the Natura 2000 network.

Natural capital accounting: mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into sustainable development policies

Oct 06, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
Expert meeting - October 6 2020, Rome - ISPRA Partner Event EU Green Week (19-22 october 2020) -  Partner Event Italian Festival of Sustainable Development ASviS (22 september - 8 october 2020)  Natural capital is a significant component of the national wealth. Our economic prosperity and well-being depend on the good state of natural capital: biodiversity and ecosystems provide food, raw materials, medicines, recreational activities and well-being, air and water purification, contribute to climate regulation, pollinate and fertilize crops and much more. Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) is a strategic tool to strengthen the integration of the ecosystem services value into reporting systems and policies. In order to advance the knowledge agenda on NCA and identify the needs for its effective implementation in Italy, institutions, Academia and major Italian and international stakeholders will discuss the measurement and assessment processes that represent its fundamental pillars. This event organized by ISPRA under the banner of networking and dialogue has received the accreditation of the European Commission as Partner Event of the EU Green Week 2020 on European environmental policies focused on nature and biodiversity this year and of AsviS as Partner Event of the Sustainable Development Festival , the most importan Italian initiative to raise awareness and to mobilise citizens, companies associations and institutions on economic , social and environmental sustainability.