Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Sinkholes in Italy. The sinkholes and underground cavities: historical research, study methods and intervention

On May 2014 it was possible to rekindle the attention on sinking phenomena, the sinkholes, a theme definitely debated in scientific environment but still little known to the public. The Geological Survey of Italy has organized a scientific conference, the Third International Workshop on sinkholes that has received a great reception, even in the media, attracting the participation of more than 500 scholars and experts both from Italy and the world.
During the meeting many events about natural and anthropogenic sinking were discussed, analyzing the geological context of the areas affected by these phenomena, inclulded intervention techniques and monitoring. In this volume are collected the main works presented during the conference. In particular, it is very important the first Map of susceptibility to anthropogenic subsidence of Rome territory as far as the GRA (Grande Raccordo Anulare), presented on this occasion and the Map of susceptibility to natural Lazio sinkholes, which will contribute to the enactment of a specific regional law defining both types and entities of studies preparatory to the edification in areas defined susceptible to these phenomena.


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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 99/2015




Argentieri A., Carluccio R., Cecchini F., Chiappini M., Ciotoli G., De Ritis R., Di Filippo M., Di Nezza M., Marchetti M., Margottini S., Materni V., Meloni F., Nardi A., Rotella G., Sapia V., Venuti A. - Geophysical and geochemical investigations of a developing sinkhole in Guidonia area (Lazio)

Argentieri A., Cecchini F., De Ritis R., Di Filippo M., Di Nezza M., Materni V., Margottini S., Nardi A., Piro M., Rotella G. - Geophysical investigations of an anthropogenic sinkhole in the Montelibretti village (Rome, Central Italy)

Argentieri A., Cecchini F., Chiappini M., De Bellis S., De Ritis R., Di Filippo M., Di Nezza M., Margottini S., Materni V., Nardi A., Piro M., Rotella G. - Subsidence in urban areas: the “Ytzhak Rabin” park (via Panama, Roma) case history

Bersani P., Nisio S., Pizzino L. - Sacred and mineralized waters, gaseous emissions, subsidence, volcanism and seismicity in the roman area: historical data and additional contributions

Brancaleoni R., Fratini P., Garbin F., Nisio S. -  Natural events that change the History: Grotta Marozza study case

Buchignani V., Dalle Luche G., Giannecchini R., Palli V., Vagli R. - Analysis of the sinkhole susceptibility in the Camaiore (LU) area to supporting the P.A.I. updating and urban planning

Zini L., Calligaris C., Devoto S., Zavagno E., Forte E., Boccali C., Petronio L., Cucchi F. - Sinkhole phenomena in the Tagliamento alluvial Plain (UD)

Chiocchini U. - Almone River valley (Rome) sinkholes linked to quarrying activity

Chiocchini U., Bagnetti G., Basili A., Nini R., Savarese G., Piccoli A. - The underground tunnels and the remains of a temple structure of VI century BC in the ex Royal Geological Office, St. Susanna Square, Rome

Ciotoli G., Nisio S., Serafini R. - Anthropogenic sinkhole susceptibility analysis in Rome urban center

Ciotoli G., Di Loreto E., Liperi L., Meloni F., Nisio S., Sericola A. - Latium sinkhole map 2012 and future development of sinkhole project

Ciotoli G., Meloni F., Nisio S. - Study of synthesis and geospatial analysis applied to evaluation of susceptibility to natural sinkholes in the Acque Albule Basin (Tivoli, Roma)

Corazza A., Tiberi P., Cosimi A., Eleuteri A., Feliziani R., Menga A., Poeta A.,  Berdini V., Capozucca F., Frapiccini A., Ghergo F., Baldassarri M., Postacchini G., Conti A., Conti M., Mentoni M., Mercuri D., Moreschini S. - Collapse susceptibility assessment of anthropogenic cavities of Civitanova Marche (MC)

D’Angella A., Nisio S., Ciotoli G. - Application of multivariate statistical analysis, Artificial Neural Network and heuristic methods for the assessment of the sinkhole susceptility in the San Vittorino plain (RI)

Di Nezza M., Di Filippo M. - Sinkholes genesis in the Acque Albule Basin (Rome, Latium)

Di Nezza M., Cecchini F., Margottini S., Di Filippo M. - Deeper geological and structural settings of Acque Albule Basin (Rome, Latium)

Giustini F., Ciotoli G., Finoia M.G., Nisio S. - Sinkholes susceptibility assessment in the Fucino plain (Central Italy) by using logistic regression and geospatial analysis

Guarino P.M., Santo A. - Sinkholes due to the collapse of underground cavities in the metropolitan area Northeast of Naples (Southern Italy)

Lanzini M., Concas M., Morabito A. - The recent discovery of the underground quarries in Monteverde (Roma)

Lorenzo C., Consonni M., Colombo L., Gattinoni P. - Stability problem for infrastructure in the areas interested by cavities (occhi pollini) in the Pleistocenes sediments in the Lombardy plain (Italy)

Luisi M., Di Santo A., Fiore A., Lepore D., Lollino P., Miccoli M.N., Parise M., Spalluto L. - 3D finite element method (FEM) for stability assessment of anthropogenic cavities in the Apulia region: the case study of the underground quarry of San
Procopio (Barletta, Northern Murge)

Marengo A., De Luca Tupputi Schinosa F., Gravina T. - State of art about Sinkhole in lower Monferrato (TO)

Meloni F., Nisio S. - Anthropogenic sinkholes catalogue of Latium and future activities organization

Menotti R.M., Serafini R. - The catastrophic subsidence of Rocchette of 22 october 1940 (Northern Sabini Mountains-Rieti)

Miccoli M.N., Fiore A., Lepore D., Luisi M., Spalluto L., Viva M. - The use of infrared thermo-camera for identifying karst cavities in Salento

Miele P. - “Fosso di Fabio”, an example of catastrophic rock collapsing morphology.  Relationship between geomorphology and evolutionary process dynamicskarst cavities in Southern Lazio

Mureddu A. - Researchs and preliminary data processing for drafting the Regional Charter of the sinkholes, based on Geological Map in scale 1:250.000

Papacchini L., Palladino D.M., Di Francesco B., Simei S., Sonno M. - The dark side of Piansano (VT, Central Italy): journey into the underground city

Parise M. - Problems of Hydrogeological instability related to cavities of natural and anthropogenic origin in Apulia

Spalluto L., Fiore A., Lepore D., Luisi M., Miccoli M.N. - The borehole laser scanner technique: application to the survey of underground quarries in the town of Cutrofiano (Salento, Apulia region, Southern Italy)

Stragapede F., Leonasi G., Sanacori C. - Study in an urban environment in pyroclastic sediments involved in localized subsidence through the use of geophysical electrical surveys. Town of Mentana, Roma

Torri R., Murgese D., Morino C. - Sinkhole monitoring to support landslide management (text in English)

Vattano M., Parise M., Bonamini M., Di Maggio C., Madonia G. - The last sinkhole at Marsala: the November 21, 2013, event