Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Memorandum signed between Ispra and the Ministry of Economic Development

Strengthen the institutional collaboration between the two bodies to improve the safety at sea, mining and energy activities also from an environmental point of view. This is the objective of the agreement signed today, at the Ministry's headquarters, by Stefano Laporta, president of ISPRA, and Franco Terlizzese, General Director for the safety of MISE's mining and energy activities. The agreement includes a series of initiatives that will focus on strengthening the cooperation for offshore safety, planning and sharing of inspection, verification and control projects, both for liquid effluent analysis and for emissions verification of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. The two institutions will collaborate in the research field activities closely linked to environmental monitoring, as well as studies and research to mitigate environmental impacts and increasing sustainability in mining activities, promoting initiatives for the recovery of geo-mineral heritage.