Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA participates at Fair Ecomondo. Rimini, 7-10 November 2012

From Wednesday 7 until and Saturday 10, ISPRA participated at the event Ecomondo, the fair dedicated to environmental issues. The stand ISPRA, within the space of the Ministry of Environment, shows the latest technical-scientific editions produced by Institute and disseminate to the public information materials on the environment. A specific space is dedicated to Ecolabel. The President ISPRA Bernardo De Bernardinis and General Director Stefano Laporta attended the event, together with the Minister Corrado Clini.

This year the main protagonist of Ecomondo is the "Green Economy", understood as a transition from theory to practice of the sustainable development, as stated during the recent  World Summit "Rio 20