Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Week of Planet Earth. Geological-environmental itineraries

This volume contains a collection of "Geological Excursion Guides" realized during several editions of the Planet Earth Week, in different areas of Italian territory, a cultural heritage that is often known only to those who take part in the itinerary. The purpose of publishing such Guides, therefore, is to spread and make access to a wider public the different routes in areas of great geological interest that took place during the event.
Starting from the concept of geodiversity, that is, of the geological landscape variety and forms, this is a new interpretation which can pave the way for new stimuli, both in the scientific and social fields, towards a goal that has shared all the authors that is to make known, valorise, preserve and protect our geo-historical identity.
Promoting a greater awareness in the strategic role of Earth Sciences is therefore the primary goal for the future of society. This goal can only be achieved through a dialogue and a shared commitment among scientists, policy makers and decision-makers to implement measures related to the use of natural and environmental resources by promoting recognition, enhancement and safeguarding.


Cost of the volume 13,50 € TAX included

Publication in Italian

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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 102/2017



CASTALDINI D., FIORONI C., SOLDATI M. - The most spectacular mud volcanoes in Italy: guided tour to the “Salse di Nirano” (Modena Apennine)

ASSANDRI F. - The Promontory of Portofino: the geology from a mountain by the sea

UGOLINI F., MASSETTI L., RASCHI A., BROGI A. - Enviromental peculiarities at Terme San Giovanni in Rapolano Terme (SI): the Montagnola (travertine fissure-ridge) and Bossoleto mofette

FARABOLLINI P. & SCALELLA G. -Geo-touristic trails on mud volcanoes in the Central-Southern Marche Region

FARABOLLINI P. & SCALELLA G. - Geotouristic routes in Monte Ascensione and badlands district

FALCETTI S., GUERRIERI L., MARINO M., MARTARELLI L., MENOTTI R.M., MILLESIMI F., MORETTI P., SCALISE A.R. - Field trip guide to the Rieti Plain and the Rieti town. Geological and hydrogeological aspects of a territory featured by historical and cultural heritage

MARINO M., MENOTTI R.M., MICCADEI E., MORETTI P., MOTTERAN G., RUSSO L., SCALISE A.R., SERAFINI R., SPOGLI G., ZONETTI C. - Turano Lake and the Big Dam. A geological tour along the Turano road between the regions of Lazio and Abruzzo

D’OREFICE M., FALCETTI S., MORETTI P., PANTALONI M., PICHEZZI R.M., SCALISE A.R. - The upper Aniene river Valley: a land to (re)discover

LEZZIERO A., SAVARESE G. - The Latium Volcano reminds ...geology, nature and enology

FILOCAMO F., AMATO V., ROSSKOPF C.M. - The “Le Mainarde-Alto Volturno” itinerary: a geotourism itinerary to discover the geology of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park

MAMMINO P., SANTONOCITO F. - The geological history of Catania: excursion of four sites affected by eruption of 1669 and/or the earthquake of 1693

MAMMINO P., SANTONOCITO F. - Lava tubes of Mount Etna: 1669 eruption caves of Belpasso (Sicily)

MAMMINO P. - Mud volcanoes of Paternò and Belpasso on the south western slope of Mount Etna (Sicily Italy)