Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Flood of the Tiber - November 2012

A strong disturbance occurred in the days between 10 and 12 November 2012 producing heavy rainfall on the north side of the Tiber basin between Umbria and Lazio and, above all, on the basin of Paglia river, a tributary of the Tiber. Such precipitation has generated a flood event during which it has also been opened the dam of Corbara. The full peak reached Rome on the night between 14 and 15 November, recording a water level of 3.49 m. The corresponding flow rate, equal to about 1933 m3/s, is the maximum value recorded by the commission of the dam of Corby. The full caused the flooding of a large area near Orte and north of Rome, while in the city floods have affected mostly the north of Rome and an area close to the confluence of the Tiber with the Aniene river.

Piena del Tevere - immagine 1Piena del Tevere - immagine 2