Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The project "WaterWorks 2015" for the years 2016-2020 allows to continue the research in the water field by aligning the objectives and results of the Water Joint Programming Initiativewith those of the European program Horizon 2020. The international partnership which supports the project involves 32 organizations. The expansion involved many countries: in addition to South Africa (already partner of WaterWorks2014), the new project involves Canada, Egypt, Taiwan, Tunisia and USA.

The financial support to the Water JPI is thus further strengthened by "WaterWorks2015". The ERA-Net topic and therefore the Call to be launched in early 2016 will be the sustainable use of water in agriculture, aimed at increasing the efficiency in the use of water resources and reduce water and soil pollution. In this sense, "WaterWorks2015" provides a strong interaction between Water JPI and FACCE, the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change.

The budget, of approximately 26 million Euros, has allowed the financing of 21 transnational research projects developed with particular attention to the themes of sustainable management of water resources in the sectors of agriculture, forestry and freshwater fishing and in particular:

  • increasing the efficiency and resilience of water uses;
  • monitoring of water pollution and soil reduction;
  • the integration of the social and economic dimension in the context of sustainable management and governance of water resources.

ISPRA, already responsible for coordinating the communication and dissemination activities of the Water JPI, as well as WatEUr and WaterWorks2014 and Program Manager, together with the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) as the Italian funding body, in WaterWorks2015 coordinated the "Communication and Dissemination" Work Package and the "Mobilty and Infrastructures" Task, ensuring the execution of information and dissemination activities both within the partnership and externally, towards the European and international scientific community and towards stakeholders . In this context, ISPRA has developed the following tools and deliverables:

Booklet online projects funded by WaterWorks2015;

WaterWorks2015 OpenData&Open Access

WaterWorks2015 - Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of results (2019);

Creation of a Networking Platform with “A la carte”options for Infrastructure Actions dedicated to the Water JPI – D 7.4 (2020);

Creation of a Networking Platform with “A la carte” options for Mobility Actions dedicated to the Water JPI - D7.3 (2020);

Series of Mobility/Infrastructure-workshops - D 7.5 (2020);

Publication of information - D 5.3 (2021)