Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Landslides and floods in Italy: hazard and risk indicators – Summary Report 2018

The document is a summary of the Report Dissesto idrogeologico in Italia: pericolosità e indicatori di rischio. Ed. 2018. ISPRA, Rapporti 287/2018 (in Italian).

It provides an updated overview on landslide and flood hazard over the Italian territory and contains risk indicators related to population, families, buildings, industry and services, and cultural heritage.

The Report updates the national maps of the landslide hazard of the River Basin Plans - PAI and of the hydraulic hazard according to the Scenarios of Legislative Decree 49/2010 (implementation of the 2007/60/EC Floods Directive), realized by ISPRA through the harmonization and the mosaic of the hazard zones mapped by the River Basin District Authorities.

Risk indicators provide an official reference framework for landslide and flood risk in Italy and an important tool to support national mitigation policies by identifying intervention priorities, allocation of funds, programming mitigation measures and planning civil protection measures.

Publication is available only on-line

Download the report (pdf - 5 Mb)
