Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


“RAMOGE exploration canyons 2015” Oceanographic Campaign

International oceanographic campaign with the ISPRA ship “ASTREA” in the sea of RAMOGE area, Ligurian Sea, aimed to discover the deep canyons in Italy

During the period between the 15 and 28 August the ISPRA ship “ASTREA” will conduct an oceanographic campaign to explore the deep habitat and study the biodiversity in the RAMOGE area. The International Agreement RAMOGE, which is an instrument of scientific, technical, legal and administrative cooperation with which the French, Italian and Monegasque government implement actions of integrated coastal management, proposes to launch a study campaign of deep canyons in the water of the three States in order to collect information on the biodiversity of deep habitats unexplored. The study activities will be carried out in 2 areas for each States involved in the agreement; the 6 areas of survey are :

The Ligurian zones :

1. Canyon di Bordighera ( Sanremo and Bordighera)

2. Canyon di Arma di Taggia - San Stefano al Mare.

The  Monegasque zones:

1. an east area from the  Principality, a platform of 50 to 70 m in depth

2.  a canyon of 100 m in depth, Fontvieille, e area for which there are not direct information.

The  French zones:

1. the bench of  Mejean,  near the coast on a platform of  400 m in depth.

2. the bench Nioulargue, Cape Camarat


The images and video collected will allow the acquisition of important scientific information  to  protect the environment marine related to the area RAMOGE

Further information