Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Introduction to hydrological modeling for coastal and transitional systems

In recent years, in the marine-coastal and lagoon area, there has been a growing need to assess the pressure/impact ratio and to analyze scenarios related to climatic changes and or anthropic actions. In this scenario the mathematical modeling of hydrological and hydrodynamic processes simulation can represent an important support.

For this reason, last 9 july a training day for ARPAV technicians was carried out, organized by ARPAV and ISPRA - Cn-Cos (National Center for environmental characterization and protection of the coastal strip and the 'operational oceanography) within the SNPA activities and the agreement protocol of 09/27/2016 ISPRA - ARPAV.

In the training day entitled "Introduction to hydrological modeling for coastal and transitional systems", ISPRA experts provided a general overview on modeling in lagoon/estuarine contexts and in the coastal marine environment, and illustrated different application cases and methodological approaches used by ISPRA.

