Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Project to develop the geological site GSSP Section Carrosio - Val Lemme. Carrosio (AL), June 2,

The next 2 June  will be held in Carrosio (AL), a ceremony for opening of the official recognition plaque of the GSSP of Carrosio, GSSP of the base of Aquitaniano.

The ceremony which follows the one held last October at the Park of the Conero, for the GSSP of Monte dei Corvi and Massignano, will take place in the presence of the local authorities, prof. M. Balini, President of the Italian Commission of Stratigraphy and ISPRA that has  produced the recognition plaque of as part of the GSSP project sponsored by the Institute.

The ceremony will be preceded on the evening of 1 June by  a meeting that will take place in the city hall of Carrosio.

Further information