Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Soil World Day: life under our feet

Dec 05, 2015 from 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM Rome,
The United Nations will celebrate the International Year of Soils next 5 December 2015. Soil, a precious resource on which depends our survival, is a fragile resource, threatened by natural and human pressures that are degrading, often irreversibly, its irreplaceable productive, environmental and socio-cultural functions. A real "soil consumption" that involves, according to  ISPRA report , an irreversible loss of 6.7 square meters per second in Italy due to its deep alteration and the artificial covering with cement or asphalt (data from Soil Consumption in Italy - edition 2015)

From Paris Conference:

Nov 30, 2015 09:00 AM to Dec 11, 2015 05:00 PM
During the Conference in Paris, 11 Countries (included Italy) will allocate  248 million dollars in less developed Countries to face climate adaptation. The Italian Ministry of the Environment has allocated  2 million dollars by the end of 2015 and he said Italy will increase this amount next years. Statement of the Prime Minister Mr. Matteo Renzi, based on ISPRA data: "Italy has reduced emissions greenhouse by 23% since 1990 and has an investment plan for 4 billion dollars from here to 2020. Italy is doing its part”. Press release emissions greenhouse (ita)