Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Iran vicepresident visits ISPRA laboratories of Castel Romano

It was held on November 25 the official visit to the laboratories of ISPRA in Castel Romano by Ms. Massoumeh Ebtekar, Iran vice prime minster and head for the environmental protection Department, together with an Iranian delegation.

At Castel Romano the Vice President of Iran was received by the Undersecretary to the environment, Hon Barbara Degani and ISPRA General Director Mr. Stefano Laporta. After the welcome speech expressed by Undersecretary Hon. Degani, the Director General ISPRA Stefano Laporta illustrated the structure of the Institute and the Italian environmental protection system, composed by ISPRA -RPA-APPA, the laboratories and their activities.

Ms. Ebtekar said "The technical and scientific cooperation is very important between the Italy and Ira not only because it is part of the international policies of our countries, but also because it faces environmental issues that affect the whole humanity, which must overcome any cultural and geographical borders".

Then  the Iran delegations were accompanied by the General Director Mr. Stefano Laporta and  researchers and engineers in a visit to major laboratories in ISPRA - Castel Romano. After the visit, the vice president Ebtekar announced a memorandum of understanding for cooperation between Italy and Iran in the environmental, signed later in the evening during the meeting with the Minister of the Environment Italian Gian Luca Galletti.

The technical aspects will be defined in the next two months, ahead of a visit by the Minister Galletti in Tehran at the invitation of the Iranian government, in February 2015.