Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Thurses in Italy

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Thrushes, blackbirds and fieldfares occur in high numbers all the year around and are the species more intensively hunted in Italy. For these reasons ISPRA, in cooperation with Arcicaccia Toscana, issued this report, addressed to Public Administrations, hunting and conservationist associations or birdwatchers. We chose to deal with different topics to meet different users’ needs. We treated general characteristics of the six species of genus Turdus living in Italy, hunting practices, habitat management and conservation and other subjects of interest for both hunters and birdwatchers, as ageing and sexing through the plumage examination. For some topics it was possible to produce unpublished data, such as regional bag statistics and ring-recovery analyses based on data stored in the Italian Ringing Centre managed by ISPRA.


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