Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


First reconnaissance on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): regulatory framework, roles and activities of the Environmental Agencies, critical points highlighted in the SEA applications

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The results of a first survey conducted by the working group of the Environmental Regional Agencies (ARPA)  and ISPRA: “Monitoring of the plans  according to the SEA”,  are reported.
The information collected come from the nine Regional Agencies participating to the working group  and ARPA Puglia and ARPA Liguria..
The framework of the regional regulations concerning SEA is presented, relevant difficulties, lack of information and a proposal of contribution that the same Regional Agencies could improve to enhance the SEA application. Particular attention is devolved to the monitoring of plans and programs according to SEA.

N. 143/2011
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