Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA discovers new hydrothermal vents at the Aeolian islands

In the last June ISPRA led the second oceanographic campaign in the whole of the project Regional Observatory of Biodiversity of the Sicilian Region, to develop techniques for monitoring species and protected habitats in hydrothermal environments superficial and deep. During the campaign, which have participated  researchers of Ispra, CNR experts (ISMAR institutions of Bologna, Ancona and IAMC Messina) and the Polytechnic of Marche, were carried out surveys of the seabed aimed to identify and characterize the superficial and deep hydrothermal ecosystems of the Aeolian Islands and the wildlife associated. The exploration, with multibeam and ROV (remotely operated vehicle) in an area next to the islet of Basiluzzo, identified the presence of numerous hydrothermal vents with cylindrical or pyramidal structure. From these structures it is possible to observe a leakage of gas and fluid, with the presence of deposits of sulfur and iron. This environment is characterized by a high concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide and low pH values ​​and the presence of associated fauna composed mainly photophilous algae, bryozoans and hydroids. The characteristics described suggest that the area study could be included in the protected habitat foreseen in the  Annex 1180 Directive Habitat: underwater structures created by leakage of gas and composed by  carbonate material derived by microbial oxidation of chemical compounds contained in emissions, including methane.