Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Climate change, energy transition and digitalisation: models of adaptation, management and development of the Mediterranean coastal areas
Climate change, energy transition and digitalisation: models of adaptation, management and development of the Mediterranean coastal areas
Jun 21, 2023 — Jun 23, 2023 Matera

The event is aimed at institutions, administrations, researchers and professionals working on issues related to the impacts of climate change, with particular attention to the issues of energy transition and digitization.

Innovation for Drought and Agriculture
Innovation for Drought and Agriculture
Jun 19, 2023 09:00 AM — Jun 19, 2023 01:00 PM Rome, Fao / Online

On the occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17 June - an event will take place on 19 June, organized as part of the activities set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by FAO with the Italian Research Institutes - ENEA, CNR, CREA and ISPRA - with the aim of improving sustainable food production and nutrition in developing countries.

World day against desertification and drought
World day against desertification and drought
Jun 17, 2023 — Jun 17, 2023

The "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought" proclaimed by the United Nations with a 1995 resolution is celebrated every year on 17 June.

The proposed topic for 2023 is "Her Land. Her Rights". The UNCCD strongly urges greater access to rights to the land that women very often cultivate but often they do not have sufficient rights to own it or in any case manage it and are often the first victims of desertification.

The attention towards the role of women in the direct management of the soil of the UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification) has grown considerably in recent years, with the adoption in 2017 of a Gender Action Plan, first, and then with actions aimed at supporting national governments to adopt appropriate tools to promote gender equality and access to rights.

Water availability, reached an all-time low: maximum deficits in Sicily, Sardegna and in the Po river district
Water availability, reached an all-time low: maximum deficits in Sicily, Sardegna and in the Po river district
Jun 16, 2023

In 2022, about 20% of the national territory will be affected by extreme drought
June 17, 2023 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

The downward trend recorded by ISPRA in terms of national water availability continues in 2022, with an average value slightly exceeding 221 mm and a reduction of over 51% compared to the average referring to the period 1951-2022, hits an all-time low.

Sicily (–80.7%), Sardinia, (–73%) and the River Po River Basin District (–66%) are the areas most affected by the water deficit in 2022.

Drought, confirmed the growing trend. In 2022, about 20% of the national territory was in conditions of extreme drought and about 40% in severe and moderate drought. In terms of persistence of drought conditions, 2022 is the third most serious year in Italy, preceded only by 1990 and 2002

Press release (ita)

BIGBANG model developed by ISPRA which analyzes the hydrological situation from 1951 to 2022 providing a detailed picture of the components of the hydrological balance and of the renewable water resource

The sustainable governance of water in the time of climate change
The sustainable governance of water in the time of climate change
Jun 16, 2023 09:30 AM — Jun 16, 2023 06:00 PM Rome, Hotel Nazionale - Sala Capranichetta

The EWA Foundation together with the National Council of Geologists (CNG) and the CNG Study Center Foundation organize the conference on the national and international scenario "The sustainable management of water in the time of climate change", which will be held on 16 June 2023 in

During the conference there will be the opportunity to deepen the strategies for adaptation and mitigation of hydro-geological risks

DD-day 2023: World day against desertification and drought
DD-day 2023: World day against desertification and drought
Jun 16, 2023 — Jun 16, 2023 Sassari/Online

In Sassari, the Department of Agriculture and the Desertification Research Unit of the University in collaboration with the Institute for the Sustainable Protection of Plants (Cnr-Ipsp), DesertNet International (DNI), the Global Network of Dryland Research Institutes (GNDRI ) and under the patronage of the UNCCD, will celebrate DD-day 2023 with an international event that will involve the world of research and civil society committed against desertification and land degradation.

Event cancelled-Italy and the Environment. State, Perspectives and Scenarios
Event cancelled-Italy and the Environment. State, Perspectives and Scenarios
Jun 15, 2023 09:30 AM — Jun 15, 2023 11:30 AM Roma, Palazzo Wedekind, Salone Angiolillo, p.zza Colonna n.366

The event has been postponed to a later date

On June 15, ISPRA will present "Italy and the Environment: status, perspectives and scenarios".
The publication seeks to answer two questions: "What is the situation of the environment in Italy?" and “Are we going in the environmentally desired direction?”. Today ISPRA has a vast amount of information, historical series, indicators, the result of years of data collection and processing, to be able to answer these two questions. The publication offers an opportunity to enhance the main indicators present in the ISPRA Environmental Indicators database (Banca dati Indicatori Ambientali di ISPRA)

The Vice Mayor of the city of Chengdu in ISPRA with a delegation
The Vice Mayor of the city of Chengdu in ISPRA with a delegation
Jun 08, 2023 — Jun 08, 2023 Rome, ISPRA headquarters

On June 8, a Chinese delegation from the city of Chengdu took visited ISPRA. The delegation led by the Vice Mayor that included managers and officials of the Chengdu municipal administration and the Academy of Environmental Sciences discussed aspects related to drought, climate change and air quality with ISPRA experts. Chengdu city in the Sichuan province in southwest China is one of the most important economic centers in the country and has about 20 million inhabitants.

Towards the Regional Strategy for adaptation to Climate Change starting from the results of the Adriaclim project
Towards the Regional Strategy for adaptation to Climate Change starting from the results of the Adriaclim project
Jun 08, 2023 — Jun 08, 2023 Università Iuav of Venice

The Workshop will describe the project activities carried out in the Veneto region by Arpav, ISPRA, the University of Venice Iuav and Ca' Foscari, the City of Venice, Cnr-Ismar and Azienda Ulss 3 Serenissima.

The results of the project will provide the knowledge basis for defining the Regional Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Veneto region.

Climate change us and them: ISPRA participates in Eu Green Week 2023 with a partner event
Climate change us and them: ISPRA participates in Eu Green Week 2023 with a partner event
Jun 05, 2023 — Jun 09, 2023 Livorno

From 6 to 11 July EU Green Week will be held n Brussels and throughout Europe, the most important event to discuss European environmental policies and support communities and organizations to take action.

In Italy, national energy consumption per unit of GDP is among the lowest in Europe. The share of renewable energy is second only to Sweden
In Italy, national energy consumption per unit of GDP is among the lowest in Europe. The share of renewable energy is second only to Sweden
May 24, 2023

In Italy, energy consumption per unit of GDP is reduced by 16% from 2005 to 2021, while greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP are reduced by 27.2%. Similarly, since 2005, greenhouse gas emissions per unit of energy consumed have decreased in all the main productive sectors: from -6.6% for agriculture to -14.1% for industry.

In terms of renewable sources, Italy is second only to Sweden among the main European countries, in terms of share of gross domestic consumption of energy from renewable sources. The national share of renewable energy in gross domestic consumption is 19.4% in 2021, while the European average is 17.7%.

The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" (2050)
The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" (2050)
May 16, 2023 — May 18, 2023 Auditorium San Gaetano - Padova

The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" will be held from 16 to 18 May, three days in which to trace together our path towards 2050, the ultimate horizon of the energy transition. We know the coordinates, but in order to reach the zero-emissions goal in time, we must find a new balance: between energy needs and protection of the planet, between economic indicators and scientific progress, between business and ethics.

International Conference: “Science and governance: a sea of opportunities for coastal adaptation"
International Conference: “Science and governance: a sea of opportunities for coastal adaptation"
May 09, 2023 — May 09, 2023 Ravenna/Online

It will be held in Ravenna on 9th may the international conference “Science and governance: a sea of opportunities for coastal adaptation”, final event of the project Interreg Italy-Croatia AdriaClim.

During the conference will be illustrated the project's results. In particular, the topics addressed will be international strategies for the protection of coastal areas, the use of scientific knowledge to support decisions, local adaptation choices, participation and communication. The event will be attended by international experts from the world of universities, research and training, professionals and technicians in the field of climate change and the adaptation of coastal zones, journalists, administrators and policy makers, delegates from NGOs and civil society.


The climate of the future. The hotspots of change: from Antarctica to Cimone via the Himalayas
The climate of the future. The hotspots of change: from Antarctica to Cimone via the Himalayas
May 06, 2023 — May 07, 2023

"We Nature returns" on 6 and 7 May, the second edition of the event dedicated to sustainability in which there will be space for talk shows dedicated to the climate and the environment with meteorologists, popularizers and experts. There are also workshops to discover the secrets of flora and fauna.
On 6 May at 10.00, at the meeting "The climate of the future. The hotspots of change: from Antarctica to Cimone passing through the Himalayas", the participation of an ISPRA researcher is expected.

ISPRA participates at the Green Med Symposium
ISPRA participates at the Green Med Symposium
May 03, 2023 — May 05, 2023 Napoli, Stazione marittima

From 3 to 5 may, in the Stazione marittima of Napoli, it will be held the Green Med Symposium, 3 days to talk about circular economy, emissions, drought and instability, soil regeneration and protection, sustainable agriculture. During the event, for the year consecutively, ISPRA will propose training courses addressed to expert, officials of Public Administrations and companies.

A district will be set up in which the experts will meet the schools and transfer to the youngest all they need to know to live in harmony with the environment.

Communicate the environment
Communicate the environment
Apr 19, 2023 09:30 AM — Apr 19, 2023 02:00 PM Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Sala Petrassi

As part of the Rome Science Festival (18-23 April 2023), at the Auditorium Parco della Musica it will be held the second preparatory event of the SNPA National Conference "Communicate the environment" (Wednesday 19 April from 9.30 to 14) with some protagonists of the world of information and environmental divulgation to analyze how we are reporting the environment through the media and how we will be called to do so in the future.

This event will be an opportunity to discuss how to make environmental information and think about current events, also in the light of the rediscovered space that science has had after the pandemic, in a context particularly suitable for talking about these issues which is the annual appointment with the Rome Science Festival.


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Greenhouse gas emissions: growing trend again, accomplices transport and global warming
Greenhouse gas emissions: growing trend again, accomplices transport and global warming
Apr 18, 2023

The scenarios up to 2030 are not very promising

The ISPRA National Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants is online

In 2021, greenhouse gas emissions in Italy will start to grow again after the stop of the pandemic period: in just one year (2020-2021) the values ​​show a sharp increase (+8.5%), despite recording a decrease of 20% compared to 1990, thanks to the growth in recent years of energy production from renewable sources (hydroelectric and wind), energy efficiency in industrial sectors and the transition to the use of fuels with a lower carbon content. But the reduction is not enough: emissions are 11 million tonnes above the target set for 2021.

A situation which, according to estimates, seems destined to continue not only in 2022, but also in future years. In fact, the scenarios to 2030 are not very promising: a low reduction in emissions in the transport and heating sectors is expected and a misalignment with the objectives established by Effort Sharing which in 2030 could exceed 15 million tonnes. It is therefore essential to reverse the trend if we want to meet the emission reduction targets.

Land degradation and Healthy soils: towards a glossary and monitoring system
Land degradation and Healthy soils: towards a glossary and monitoring system
Apr 18, 2023 09:30 AM — Apr 18, 2023 01:00 PM

ISPRA, in cooperation with CREA and with Teagasc, in the context of the EJP SOIL Program and in particular of the WP8 dedicated to the interface between Science and Politics, will organize a webinar to discuss the topic of Land degradation. The event will be an opportunity to analyze how Europe is moving on this important challenge, which since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, in line with the implementation of SDG 15, and following the recommendations of the Court of Auditors European, the European Commission has included in the EU Soil Strategy for 2030.

Climate risk in North-Eastern Italy and adaptation initiatives in urban and agricultural areas
Climate risk in North-Eastern Italy and adaptation initiatives in urban and agricultural areas
Mar 22, 2023 09:00 AM — Mar 22, 2023 02:00 PM Padova, Orto Botanico

The study day will analyze two of the multiple factors that characterize climate risk in North-Eastern Italy, particularly in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions, consisting of urban risk and agricultural risk. Both of these risk factors are linked to increases in temperature, variations in precipitation and greater duration and frequency of extreme climatic phenomena.

Lakes, mirror of climate change
Lakes, mirror of climate change
Mar 22, 2023 09:00 AM — Mar 22, 2023 05:30 PM Parco Regionale dei Castelli Romani - Via Cesare Battisti 5, Rocca di Papa (RM)

Emerging phenomena, dynamics, potential and tools for the management and care of the Castelli Romani Park

The anthropic impact, emerging pollutants, senseless use put a strain on the quantity and quality of water almost everywhere on the planet, the safety of the territory and the health of citizens risk being endangered.

First Global Author's Meeting for the seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7)
First Global Author's Meeting for the seventh edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7)
Mar 13, 2023 — Mar 17, 2023 Bangkok - Thailand

A week of meetings of scientists and experts from all over the world, called by the United Nations Environment Agency (UNEP) to draw up the seventh edition of the report on the state and prospects of the global environment ( Global Environment Outlook, GEO-7).

The public consultation on the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change has started
The public consultation on the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change has started
Feb 16, 2023

The proposed Plan has been published on the portal of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, now open to contributions from citizens, communities and all public and private entities. The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) is a national planning tool to support national, regional and local institutions in identifying and choosing the most effective adaptation actions according to the level of government, the sector of intervention and of the specificities of the context, favoring the integration of adaptation criteria into planning processes and tools.

Climate change in cities and the role of urban planning and natural based solution
Climate change in cities and the role of urban planning and natural based solution
Feb 01, 2023 03:00 PM — Feb 01, 2023 06:00 PM Ferrara

The Municipality of Ferrara will host the first cycle of meetings of the European Usage project, on the fight against climate change. Three days of meetings, from 31 January to 2 February 2023, in which project partners and stakeholders (public administrations, experts and researchers, associations, companies) will meet to discuss urban heat islands, rainfall, air quality , biodiversity, data to be collected and exchanged to improve environmental policies at urban level.

Resilient management of coasts, ports and shipping
Resilient management of coasts, ports and shipping
Jan 26, 2023 09:30 AM — Jan 26, 2023 06:00 PM Rome

The workshop will be a moment of in-depth analysis on the needs of port operators regarding the resilient management of activities in the scenario conditioned by the current climate changes and the potential offered by observation systems on the state of the sea (in situ and remotely) and their integration with predictive modeling tools

Preliminary assessment of the climate state for the year 2022
Preliminary assessment of the climate state for the year 2022
Jan 19, 2023

On the web site  the preliminary assessment of the state of the climate for the year that has just ended is available, with a summary of the main elements that characterized the course of 2022. In particular, the average trend of the temperature and precipitation parameters on a national scale is described and compared with that of past years. The validated trend estimates and the complete analysis of the climate indicators and indices will be published in July 2023 in the SNPA annual report "Climate indicators in Italy"

Climate: the challenge of adaptation in the city of Rome
Climate: the challenge of adaptation in the city of Rome
Jan 18, 2023 10:30 AM — Jan 18, 2023 02:30 PM Rome

First appointment towards the Adaptation Plan of the Municipality of Rome
The Municipality of Rome is among the most affected in Italy by meteorological-hydrogeological events, which follow each other with greater intensity and frequency. One of the critical issues concerns the lack of rain absorption, in areas at hydrogeological risk and with inadequate sewage systems. Among the major consequences is the blockage and limitations of public transport, starting with the underground network.
The Capital, in 2017 and during 2022, found itself having to deal with an emergency of enormous significance and of a diametrically opposite sign such as drought.

National plan for adaption to climate change
National plan for adaption to climate change
Dec 29, 2022

The National plan for adaption  to Climate Change has been published on the website of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security. The main objective of the PNACC is to provide national guidelines for the implementation of actions aimed at minimizing the risks deriving from climate change, improving the adaptive capacity of natural, social and economic systems and taking advantage of any opportunities that may arise present with the new climatic conditions.

Estimated 0.9% increase in emissions in 2022 compared to 2021
Estimated 0.9% increase in emissions in 2022 compared to 2021
Dec 23, 2022

On the basis of the data available for 2022, as a result of the recovery of economic activities on the one hand and the containment of natural gas consumption on the other, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions is estimated at national level; in fact, in 2022 emissions on the national territory increased by 0.9% compared to 2021 against a 2.6% increase in GDP.

For a national action plan to reduce methane emissions
For a national action plan to reduce methane emissions
Dec 21, 2022 03:30 PM — Dec 21, 2022 06:30 PM Rome, Chamber of deputy

On 21 December, in the Chamber of Deputies, the document "Guidelines for an Italian strategy for reducing methane emissions from the natural gas supply chain 2022" will be presented and the contribution, after COP 27, of the Working Table with companies and institutions for the implementation of the EU Regulation and the Global Methane Pledge Energy Pathway.

Monitor the disappearance of glaciers to understand the urgency of climate adaptation
Monitor the disappearance of glaciers to understand the urgency of climate adaptation
Dec 07, 2022 10:30 AM — Dec 07, 2022 02:00 PM Rome/Streaming live

The climate crisis and the national adaptation plan
The Caravan of the Alps is an information campaign by Legambiente born in 2002 to tell the story of the Alpine territory, a fundamental ecosystem for the conservation of biodiversity in Europe made fragile by climate change and excessive exploitation of resources.