Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Effects of climate change on the Italian economy
Effects of climate change on the Italian economy
Nov 30, 2022 11:00 AM — Nov 30, 2022 02:30 PM L'Aquila/Online

The presentation of the report "The effects of climate change on the Italian economy", a research project by the Bank of Italy, takes place today. The study project, included in the series 'Economics and finance' of the Bank of Italy, includes work on the impact on the Italian production system, on society and on the effectiveness of environmental policies.

Open Summit 2022
Open Summit 2022
Nov 23, 2022 — Nov 23, 2022 Rome, Museo MAXXI

A special day at the MAXXI in Rome to analyze the results of COP27 and discuss the state of the ecological transition. We will talk about energy communities, electric cars, regional initiatives and startups that have identified "clean tech" solutions. During the event, the exhibition "Climate Change Italia" will also be inaugurated, created by seven photographers from Contrasto to tell the impact of the climate emergency in Italy.

Research recounts: cities and travel of tomorrow
Research recounts: cities and travel of tomorrow
Nov 21, 2022 03:00 PM — Nov 21, 2022 05:00 PM Airporto of Rome Fiumicino

How will we move in the future, and in which city will we live? Will scientific advances allow us to live and travel cleanly, sustainably and efficiently? Six Italian researchers tell the public about their experiences. An informal chat with short interventions in an unusual and symbolic place: the Schengen departures area of ​​Rome Fiumicino Airport.

Presentation of the Climate TRACE initiative at COP27 in Sharm el Sheik
Presentation of the Climate TRACE initiative at COP27 in Sharm el Sheik
Nov 09, 2022

The climate crisis is underway and its impacts are increasingly incisive. The Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement have defined the context for the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and reduction commitments of the 198 countries of the United Nations. Estimates of emissions are very accurate in countries that have data and funds available for monitoring; among these, those estimated for Italy by ISPRA.

Nov 07, 2022 — Nov 18, 2022 Sharm El-Sheikh - Egypt

The COP27 , the climate conference organized annually by the United Nations, has begun as part of the Framework Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC). To open the event in Sharm El-Sheikh, the High level segment, which saw the participation of heads of state and government to discuss cross-cutting issues, such as the just transition, the future of energy, innovative financing for the climate and development, food security, water security, climate change and sustainability of vulnerable communities.
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni spoke with a very clear message, confirming Italy's commitment to meet the European targets set by the Fit for 55 package, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the production of energy from renewable sources. He also stressed the importance of a just transition, supporting the countries most affected by the climate crisis. The activation of an Italian Climate Fund, envisaged in the 2022 Budget Law, of 840 million a year, for 5 years (2022-2026), was also announced, aimed at supporting developing countries to implement the decarbonisation of its economic activities.
ISPRA takes part in COP27 within the Italian delegation, and provides technical support to the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, with the monitoring of national greenhouse gas emissions and the definition of emission scenarios.

The effects of climate change in Italy: adaptation strategies and the role of insurance companies
The effects of climate change in Italy: adaptation strategies and the role of insurance companies
Oct 28, 2022 — Oct 28, 2022

The Bank of Italy and IVASS, in cooperation with the Venice World Capital of Sustainability Foundation, are organizing a conference on: "The effects of climate change in Italy: adaptation strategies and the role of insurance companies". After an analisis at the challenges related to climate change, the interventions will deepen the possible adaptation and mitigation strategies of identifiable risks in the insurance sector.

The National Platform on Adaptation to Climate Change has been published
The National Platform on Adaptation to Climate Change has been published
Oct 19, 2022

The Italian platform on adaptation to climate change, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and implemented by ISPRA, aims to favor the exchange of information between the central administration, local authorities and all stakeholders, starting from citizens, with respect to the theme of adaptation to climate change, thus representing the main information tool in Italy on this issue.

Second meeting of the seventh Global Environment Outlook
Second meeting of the seventh Global Environment Outlook
Oct 17, 2022 — Oct 20, 2022 Nairobi

The second meeting of the seventh Global Environment Outlook (GEO) is underway in Nairobi which in 3 years will have to produce a report on the state and prospects of the global environment. Four themes will be worked on for the report that will see the light in 2025: loss of biodiversity, climate change, pollution, land degradation.

Living Planet Report 2022
Living Planet Report 2022
Oct 13, 2022 11:30 AM — Oct 13, 2022 03:00 PM Roma, Villa Lubin, sede del CNEL

Thursday 13 October will host the launch event of the Living Planet Report 2022, the WWF's global report on the health of the planet. The Report provides a clear picture of the health status of vertebrate species populations around the world, which can be used to measure the overall health of the ecosystem. Nature has been showing this for years: we live in the full "Anthropocene", the era in which unsustainable human activities are pushing the natural systems that sustain life on Earth, including ours, to the limit. The 2022 edition focuses on the close relationship between nature loss and the climate crisis, identifying the system changes necessary for a nature-positive future.

XXXI Review of the Sea
XXXI Review of the Sea
Oct 06, 2022 — Oct 09, 2022 Gallipoli

Safeguarding of biological resources and blue economy
The priority objective of the XXXI Review of the Sea is to address issues related to: sea, fishing, aquaculture, ecosystem services, offshore marine renewable energy, blue economy, maritime spatial planning, climate change, saline intrusion, tourism and ports, sustainable development of marine-coastal areas, integrated maritime policy, biodiversity, European green deal.

Climate change mitigation: the contribution of agriculture and forests
Climate change mitigation: the contribution of agriculture and forests
Oct 06, 2022 — Oct 07, 2022 Rome and GoToWebinar platform

Agriculture, including animal husbandry, is often indicated as an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, even if the data made available by international (IPCC, FAO) and national (ISPRA) organizations indicate a less significant contribution than that of other human activities. However, it remains a priority to act in compliance with EU and national policies to mitigate the contribution of the primary sector (agricultural production, land use and land use change) to the greenhouse effect and climate change.

Renewable sources against the crisis and for the ecological transition
Renewable sources against the crisis and for the ecological transition
Oct 05, 2022 12:00 PM — Oct 05, 2022 03:00 PM Rome

On 5 October will be held as part of the Sustainable Development Festival, the conference "Renewable sources against the crisis and for the ecological transition" 

PAESC: how to plan, finance and implement actions
PAESC: how to plan, finance and implement actions
Oct 05, 2022 11:30 AM — Oct 05, 2022 03:30 PM Bari/online

In the context of the transition from the 2020 mitigation objectives to the 2030 mitigation and adaptation objectives, the European secretariat of the Covenant of Mayors has planned a series of actions aimed at Italian signatories throughout 2022/23.

Report on climate impacts in the Mediterranean area
Report on climate impacts in the Mediterranean area
Oct 05, 2022 — Oct 08, 2022 Florence, Fortezza da Basso

From 5 to 8 October, Earth Technology Expo will host the Euro-Mediterranean Conference which will involve scientists, experts, political decision-makers, national and international associations and organizations, and all the civil protection structures of the countries bordering the Mare Nostrum.

The event will focus on the presentation of the First Scientific Report on short and long-term climate impacts in the Mediterranean area

European Researchers' Night 2022
European Researchers' Night 2022
Sep 30, 2022 — Oct 01, 2022

Also this year ISPRA will participate in the European Night of Researchers together with 10 other public research bodies and universities.
The initiative, which will be held throughout Europe on Friday 30 September, is an opportunity to bring citizens closer to the world of scientific research and to discover the activities and results of public research on the most topical issues.

With talks, shows, games, experiments, our researchers will talk to us about circular economy, climate change, biodiversity, soil and sea protection and much more ....

Further information

G20 Environment and Climate Ministers meeting in Indonesia
G20 Environment and Climate Ministers meeting in Indonesia
Aug 26, 2022

As part of the activities of the G20 in 2022, chaired by Indonesia, on 31 August 2022 the meeting of the Ministers of the Environment and Climate (Joint Environment and Climate Minister's Meeting ( JECMM) 2022), preceded on 29 and 30 August by the meeting of the two G20 working groups on environmental issues (Environment Deputies Meeting) and on climate sustainability (Climate Sustainability Working Group), which will work in parallel in the 3rd EDM-CSWG.

Tech4You Kick-off Meeting
Tech4You Kick-off Meeting
Jul 27, 2022 12:15 PM — Jul 27, 2022 07:00 PM Arcavacata di Rende

Thanks to the support of the Calabria and Basilicata Regions, Tech4You will be a socio-economic development opportunity capable of creating new jobs and strengthening the resilience of the communities involved.

The climate in Italy in 2021: anomalous heat in February
The climate in Italy in 2021: anomalous heat in February
Jul 15, 2022

Exceptional temperature of 48.8 ° C in Syracuse at the end of August. Annual rainfall -7%, but new regional records for exceptional rainfall

The 2021 was, on average, a less hot year than the previous ones; rainfall throughout the country was overall lower than the climatological average (-7%); all months recorded lower than normal rainfall with the exception of January, July and November.
Several heat waves hit Italy in the summer months: the most intense occurred in the second week of August, when 48.8 ° C were recorded in Syracuse, a European record if confirmed by the World Meteorological Organization (OMM - again under verification).

National climate conference 2022
National climate conference 2022
Jul 14, 2022 11:30 AM — Jul 14, 2022 03:00 PM Roma, Auditorium del Museo Ara Pacis

Energy and climate crisis: the new roadmap for Italy
The current crisis comes is the results of a model - energetic and not only - unsustainable. To address the causes in a definitive and structural way, we need to get out of a fossil economy as soon as possible and accelerate on the path of energy transition. With the third edition of the National Climate Conference, Italy for Climate will present a new roadmap to achieve an unprecedented acceleration of the ecological transition in Italy as well.

The climate crisis
The climate crisis
Jul 13, 2022 — Jul 13, 2022 Online event

On 13 July ISPRA is organizing an in-depth day dedicated to climate change.
Authoritative experts from national and international organizations will be interviewed who will answer questions on the main causes of the global climate crisis. Thanks to their skills, the scenarios that lie ahead will be outlined.
In the three parallel sessions that will follow, ISPRA will present the update of the indicators to describe the state and trend of climate change in Italy, the climate change mitigation interventions, the analysis of the impacts of climate change on the national territory and the interventions of adaptation.

 Interview with the experts (11.00 - 12.30) canale YouTube ISPRA

Indicators, scenarios and actions for the area (afternoon sessions, 2.30 - 4.30 pm):

Press release (ita)

Climate indicators in Italy 2021 - Edition XVII

Temperature and precipitation 1991-2020 climatic normals over Italy

The disaggreagation at the provincial level of the national inventory of emissions

Drought and water resources: in the last 30 years (1991-2020) water availability reduced by 19% compared to the thirty years 1921-1950
Drought and water resources: in the last 30 years (1991-2020) water availability reduced by 19% compared to the thirty years 1921-1950
Jul 08, 2022

What are the short, medium and long-term trends and impacts of climate change on the hydrological cycle and, in particular, on the availability of water resources? The situation that emerges from the first assessments carried out by ISPRA is decidedly not reassuring and a reduction in the availability of water resources is expected at national level, ranging from 10% in the short-term projection, (in the case of an aggressive mitigation approach in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions), up to 40% (with peaks of 90% for southern Italy) in the long-term projection, assuming that the growth of greenhouse gas emissions maintains the current trend.

The sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
The sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas
Jun 23, 2022 — Jun 24, 2022 Capri/streaming live

Renewable sources, energy efficiency, water purification, recovery and recycling of materials: the smaller islands could be the place of sustainability, territories at the forefront of managing the challenges of global warming.
Capri will be the protagonist of two days with international guests on the occasion of a conference promoted by Legambiente and CNR-IIA, with Terna as sponsor and the patronage of the Municipality of Capri and Anacapri, on a highly topical issue such as that of the sustainability of the smaller islands and tourism in the Italian coastal areas

Second National Conference on Meteorological and Climate Forecasts
Second National Conference on Meteorological and Climate Forecasts
Jun 21, 2022 — Jun 22, 2022 Bologna

The Second National Conference on Meteorological and Climate Forecasts, organized by AISAM (Italian Association of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology) and SISC (Italian Society for Climate Sciences), will be held in Bologna on 21-22 June 2022 at the headquarters of Emilia Romagna Region.

Complexity and environmental protection
Complexity and environmental protection
Jun 17, 2022 05:45 PM — Jun 17, 2022 09:00 PM Lentini

The meeting is among the world events of the Day of Desertification and Drought on the UNCCD website.
Starting from some dramatic evidence now consolidated in the world, the interventions will focus on the reality of Sicily and on the possible remedies that can counter the disastrous results caused by the climate crisis and the mismanagement of our land.

Drought: situation and solutions
Drought: situation and solutions
Jun 17, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 17, 2022 04:00 PM Online event

In the drought and desertification world day, the event will deal with the actions to carry out to contrast these issues.

Desertification and Drought World Day
Desertification and Drought World Day
Jun 17, 2022 11:30 AM — Jun 17, 2022 03:30 PM Online event

The Desertification and Drought World Day 2022 will be celebrated in Sassari in the context of the Summer School “SANAI SA TERRA” (in Sardo language: “Healing the soil”) on the environmental contamination and soil restoration. The event is organized by the Department of Agricultural Sciences and by the Desertification Research Centre (NRD) of the University of Sassari, in Sardinia and is sponsored by
the PRIMA foundation, by the Italian Society of Agronomy, the Italian Association of Agricultural Scientific Societies and Desertnet international. It is addressed to graduate students, PhD students, researchers, agronomists, and other stakeholders will include three sessions.

Towards the United Nations World Day for Combating Desertification and Drought on 17 June
Towards the United Nations World Day for Combating Desertification and Drought on 17 June
Jun 14, 2022 01:30 PM — Jun 14, 2022 03:00 PM Webinar

Indications from UNCCD COP 15 and actions for Land Degradation Neutrality

The meetings scheduled in the context of the Fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP 15) and of the Subsidiary Bodies of the 197 Countries Parties to the United Nations Convention for Combating Desertification and the Effects of Drought - UNCCD, were held in Abidjan (Costa d ' Ivory) from 9 to 20 May 2022.
The topic was “Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity ”, and brought together leaders from governments, representatives of the private sector and civil society, to discuss the actions necessary to ensure sustainable land management for present and future generations.

In the Italian delegation, representatives of ISPRA participated in COP 15, together with representatives of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
During the webinar will be presented the actions carried out, both at European and national level, to achieve the objectives of Land Degradation Neutrality and the characteristics and functioning of the UNCCD.


Adaptation and mitigation to climate change: urban interventions for health promotion
Adaptation and mitigation to climate change: urban interventions for health promotion
Jun 08, 2022 11:30 AM — Jun 08, 2022 03:30 PM Roma, Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Final workshop of the CLIMACTIONS project
CLIMACTIONS is a CCM project funded by the Ministry of Health coordinated by the DEPLAZIO to which adheres the Istituto Superiore di Sanità; the University of Roma Tre - Faculty of Architecture; ASLTO3 Suprazonal Epidemiology Service; Liguria Region; S.S.R. Emilia Romagna; Ares Puglia; Institute of Translational Pharmacology of the CNR Section of Palermo; Sicily Region. The project aims is to identify urban heat island (UHI) and air pollution mitigation strategies and interventions that promotes health benefits of the population in the urban context of 6 cities (Torino, Genova, Bologna, Roma, Bari and Palermo).

A relay race for the environment
A relay race for the environment
Jun 05, 2022 12:00 PM — Jun 05, 2022 12:45 PM Online event - Eur lake of Rome

50th World Environment Day
With the aim to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference, the first world conference on the environment, the UNEP (United Nation Environment Program) has chosen the #OnlyOneEarth theme. In the Universe there are billions of galaxies, in ours there are billions of planets, but there is only one planet Earth. In order for all its inhabitants to survive, humans must lead a sustainable lifestyle, safeguarding limited resources and remaining in harmony with nature. In the Conference of 1972, 26 principles were identified on the conservation and enhancement of the environment, which after 50 years remain a useful guide to follow.

We Nature
We Nature
May 21, 2022 — May 22, 2022 Fiorenzuola di Focara (Pesaro)

Nature, experiences, conversation

We Nature begins on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May, two days dedicated to climate change and the impact on natural habitats, in addition to the conscious behavior of citizens in respect of nature. Talks by climatologist experts and scientific researchers, educational and experiential laboratories, excursions and trek bikes with naturalistic observations in one of the most interesting hotspots of bird migrations in the Adriatic, will be at the center of the WeNature program where it will be possible to meet some of the most important photojournalists of nature.