Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Periodic meeting of WENRA

On 13 and 14 April 2016 was held at the headquarters of the IAEA (International Energy Agency atonic), within the Conference on the effectiveness of regulatory systems in the nuclear field, the semi-annual meeting of WENRA (Western European nuclear Regulators association), the association of the authorities for nuclear safety, which works to promote the continuous improvement of safety and harmonization at European level of the criteria relating both to operative nuclear installations and to those in decommissioning, as well as the management of radioactive waste.

During the meeting it was discussed the implementation in the Member States of both the Euratom Directive and of the IAEA Convention on Nuclear Safety. It was also discussed the progress stage of the activities that the WENRA carries out for the abovementioned preparation of the harmonized safety criteria.

The Department of nuclear, technological and industrial risks of ISPRA has participated for years in the association, represented by the Director General and officials of the competent services of the Department.

The information on the WENRA may be found at the following link: