Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Published "Marine Litter: looking forward a new world" in the frame of the INDICIT II Project

As part of the INDICIT I and II Projects, both financed by the European Commission and with the participation of 14 international partners, ISPRA has produced an ITINERARY EXHIBITION consisting of photographs, comics and a documentary.
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the exhibition had a limited circulation and thus the idea was born of spreading it in virtual mode through a catalog that represented the works of the Exhibition in order to bear the testimony of the project, waiting for them to resume in throughout Europe the normal activities of scientific dissemination and communication.

The publication "Marine Litter: looking forward a new world” produced by Raffaella Piermarini e Marco Pisapia with the photos of Teo Lucas, Sergio Hanquet, Raffaella Piermarini and Nuno Vasco Rodriguez, is the result of a selection of photographic material collected in over four years of the project together with an environmental awareness comic.

Publication abstract

 INDICIT II project 

Further information: