Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Federal Council

Federal Council: the program of the 11th National Conference of Environmental Agencies has been approved


The Federal Council of the Environmental Protection Agencies was held today, chaired by ISPRA Commissioner, Prefect Vincenzo Grimaldi, with the partecipation of ISPRA sub commissioner Emilio Santori and ARPA Lazio Commissioner Corrado Carrubba. The Federal Council approved the Agenda of the 11th National Conference of Environmental Agencies, which will be held in Rome from April 1 to April 2 at the "Nuova Fiera di Roma", in the context of Ecopolis 2009, organized by ARPA Lazio with the cooperation and support of ISPRA.
Vincent Grimaldi declared: "The environment topic may be a driving force to facilitate the recovery from the crisis".
With regard to the spirit that enlivens the 11th National Conference of Environmental Agencies, ISPRA Commissioner highlighted the implicit meaning of the event, an "value added " to the costumaryinstitutional appointment in order to "provide great visibility to the system of the Agencies."
A thought that Emilio Santori summarized with the hope of "a clear and strong commitment, able to give space and voice to the whole system of environmental protection."
The conference, entitled "The sustainable city", will address four main topics: Ecopolis opening and presentation of the "V Report on urban environment quality"; Environment and safeguarding of cultural and building heritage; The integration of environment-health networks to improve quality of life; The environmental balance sheet in the territorial administrations.

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