Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA continues the activities to secure of radioactive waste of EUREX plant of Saluggia

ISPRA has approved the project of CEMEX for the conditioning of liquid waste

ISPRA has  approved with requirements the project presented by SO.GIN S.p.A.  to carry out the CEMEX structure at the EUREX site of Saluggia (VC), aimed at the solidification of liquid radioactive waste still present.In the plant EUREX are currently stored about 260 cubic meters of liquid radioactive waste produced  by the previously activities  of reprocessing of fuel elements. The development of the CEMEX structure will further enhance the safe management of waste present until  their transferring to the National Deposit.The operations of solidification, waited for many years, represent a fundamental step  for the final securing of these wastes  which amount to 60% of the overall activity of radioactive waste in Italy.The investigation activity implemented by ISPRA for the project approval was finalized to to verify the compliance of the project with the strictly requirements of nuclear safety and radiation protection established to ensure the highest levels of protection for workers, the population and the environment.