Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



4th Conference of the Italian Marine Geologists

Feb 25, 2021 to Feb 26, 2021 Online event,
The 4th Conference of Italian Marine Geologists will take place on 25 and 26 February under the aegis of the Italian Geological Society, CNR, INGV, OGS, ConISMa and ISPRA. The aim is to bring together all researchers active in the field of marine geosciences in a discussion informal and open to all.

Which green for which city

Feb 06, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
Next 6 February will be held the webinar: "Which green for which city" organized by Legambiente and Italia Nostra Messina to debate the management of the green public heritage. An ISPRA expert is participating at the meeting with a speech on "The regulation of the green in Italy: status of the art and future challenge".

Soil4Life: training course for the soil protection

A training course with the professions for the sharing of voluntary guidelines From Tuesday 9 February will be held a cycle of free training sessions will start, promoted by the Network of Technical Professions (RPT) in cooperation with the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Politecnico di Milano, ISPRA and Legambiente, to promote the sustainable use of soil as a strategic, limited and non-renewable resource.

ISPRA and the LIFE project Lagoon Refresh for the World Wetlands day

Every year on the 2 February is celebrated the World Wetlands day to increase the awareness on the important role that these areas have for the people and our Planet. The wetlands, such as the lagoon, are considered among the most productive environment for their high biological diversity. ISPRA, since 2017, together with the partner of the LIFE Lagoon Refresh project, is taking care on an area of the Venice lagoon, with specific actions to restore the saline gradient, lost following the diversion of rivers, in order to increase the conservation status of lagoon habitats and the biodiversity of fish, birds, moving bottom animals and plants. Video presentation of the project    LIFE Lagoon Refresh project- Video of the Hydraulic and Morphological works  


The fourth edition of ISOLA URSA took place between 27 and 29 January,  held in the context of Klimahouse Digital Edition 2021. Despite this year was organized as a virtual edition is continuing to be a space dedicated to the culture of environmental sustainability.

The sustainability of the remediation

The control room and the extraordinary commissioner for remediation have signed a cooperation framework agreement to promote sustainability in the remediation of illegal landfills on the national territory and improving good remediation practices, with particular regard to the  well-being following the reclamation and safety work of landfills and contaminated sites.

Safe reconstruction: ISPRA will support the Central Apennine Basin Authority by providing technical and scientific support

The Extraordinary Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction 2016 Giovanni Legnini and the General Secretary of the Central Apennine District Basin Authority Erasmo D'Angelis signed on February 9 the cooperation agreement for the monitoring studies of 295 landslide areas affected by hydrogeological instability that are block in the reconstruction of various urban centers in the 138 municipalities of the 2016 earthquake crater.

Land consumption of Roma Capitale Municipality

Feb 19, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
Land cover analysis in the territory of Rome. Report 2020 The report, which contains the results of the study carried out in cooperation with ISPRA and the Universal Civil Service, aims to provide useful tools for decision makers in the perspective of sustainable urban development. Specifically, the 2020 update reports a detailed analysis of the land cover in the Municipality of Rome, with a complete mapping of the territory and the reconstruction of the historical series of recent years. Programme Brochure Report

Caring for soil is caring for life

Feb 24, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
On the 24 Febraury in the frame of Horizon Europe activities, the Italian Ministry University and Research in cooperation with Santa Chiara Lab - University of Siena, APRE and Re Soil foundation is organizing the event: "Caring for soil is caring for life".

Agreement signed between MIBACT and ISPRA for the enhancement of the Geological Collections

The 170 thousand finds in the “Quintino Sella” Museum of Italian Geopaleontology are once again available to the scientific community. The agreement for the museum enhancement of the geological and historical collections of the Geological Survey of Italy was signed by the General Director of Museums of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Massimo Osanna, and the  ISPRA DG, Alessandro Bratti.

ISPRA ad the National System for the Environmental Protection will ensure a strong cooperation with the Minister Roberto Cingolani on the ecological transition topics

ISPRA, together with the National System for the Environmental Protection, in congratulating the new Minister of Ecological Transition prof. Roberto Cingolani, is available for an active and effective cooperation on the issues of the environment and the ecological transition that this new government aims to strengthen with its own institutional action. The president Stefano Laporta and the general director Alessandro Bratti, representing both the bodies of the Institute and the System, are available to start a fruitful and lasting dialogue together with the new Minister, to whom they hope that the work he is about to undertake will lead to results that the whole Country expects.

Meeting between ISPRA and the new Italian Minister of the Environment

The new Minister of the Environment Roberto Cingolani has met today in his first meeting the ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta and the general director Alessandro Bratti. The main topics were related to the Recovery Plan and the next challenges to be faced together with the Institute and the National System for Environmental Protection.

Animals and pandemics. Let's review our connections with animals and Nature

Feb 17, 2021 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM Online event,
After a 4-week mission to Wuhan, the experts sent by the WHO reiterated that the origin of the virus is animal, although they were unable to clarify how the spillover took place. The cause is to be found in the "sick" relationship  between human being and animals, and in order to avoid other pandemics it is urgent to change this connection.

Started the National Hydrological Water Budget Project

The National Hydrological Water Budget Project, which is coordinated by ISPRA and foreseen a total funding of 10.5 million Euros, aims at integrating the activities for the operational hydrological monitoring provided by the hydrographic offices of the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces (according to the Italian Prime Minister's Decree of 24 July 2002), at boosting river discharge measurements, and at implementing a uniform methodology for the management of hydrological data at national scale and for the use of these data in the hydrological water budget evaluation.    

Greenhouse gas emissions: in 2020 estimated reduction of 9.8% compared to 2019

Based on the data available for 2020, a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions at the national level is estimated, mainly due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Although the information necessary for a definitive estimate are still partial, in the past year emissions in Italy were 9.8% lower than in 2019, compared to an expected reduction in GDP of 8.9%.