Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


16 June, World sea turtle day

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on 16 June, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the endangered status of these species.
On January 20, the Kick-off meeting of the LIFE TURTLENEST project was held, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by Legambiente, whose main objective is to conserve and protect the Caretta Caretta sea turtle. LIFE TURTLENEST also intends to evaluate the impact of climate change on the nesting of the species.

ISPRA, as project partner, is responsible for the geomorphological characterization of nesting sites, analysis for land use planning and management, geomorphological and chemical characterization and preparation of guidelines on coastal erosion management for the suitability of the nesting habitat.