Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Atmospheric emissions and characterization of the national energy system

Apr 14, 2022 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Webinar,
On April 14, the webinar dedicated to the presentation of data and information on the emission status will take place with an in-depth study on energy efficiency in Italy. To evaluate the policies implemented at national level to tackle climate change and compliance with the emission reduction commitments set out in international agreements, it is essential to monitor the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, which will be presented in the course. of the event. This year the second period of the Kyoto Protocol is also concluded and the greenhouse gas data officially communicated to the United Nations Secretariat of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are accounted for for the verification of the emission reduction commitments established in the context European. The accounting of the LULUCF activities envisaged by art. 3.3 and 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol for forestry activities and for the management of agricultural land and meadows and pastures. During the event, the main decarbonisation and energy efficiency indicators for total energy consumption and in the electricity sector in Italy will be disclosed. Program Streaming live on  Channel Youtube ISPRA Italian Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the end of Kyoto Protocol second commitment period: emissions reduction target and energy efficiency Efficiency and decarbonization indicators in Italian energy and power sector Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2020. Informative Inventory Report 2022 Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2020. National Inventory Report 2022 Presentations "L'inventario nazionale dei gas serra" - Romano (ISPRA) "La contabilizzazione degli assorbimenti e delle emissioni di gas serra" - Vitullo (ISPRA) "Indicatori di efficienza e decarbonizzazione del sistema energetico nazionale e del settore elettrico" - Caputo (ISPRA) "Emissioni nazionali in atmosfera e disaggregazione spaziale" - Taurino (ISPRA)    

Sea Robot. The challenges of marine exploration

Apr 11, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM Facebook live,
On 11 April, on the occasion of the National Day of the Sea, ISPRA will present a new documentary to tell which state-of-the-art technologies are used to study the depths of the sea today. Thanks to a series of new underwater technologies developed in recent decades, it is now possible to observe and study the seabed and what is at great depths. In the documentary you will discover what the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is, with which researchers operate at a depth of 600 meters; multibeam or multibeam sonar, side scan sonar, tecnoshark. Tools that allow us to implement what Europe asks of us: to protect at least 30% of our seas by 2030. Presentation of the documentary Trailer

Sea National Day

Apr 11, 2022 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM Webinar,
On the occasion of the Sea National Day, the Ministry of Ecological Transition will organize, in cooperation with ISPRA, a webinar in which the actions taken to protect this precious resource will be illustraded, also with respect to the allocations provided for by the PNRR. The Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani will open the webinar on Monday 11 at 2 pm. Following, the greetings of the Undersecretary of the Mite Ilaria Fontana and the president of ISPRA Stefano Laporta. Program Video of webinar Video UNEP/MAP Coordinator

Third day of Geology and History. The big urban areas: notes of archeology, history and geology

Apr 21, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM Rome, Società Geografica Italiana/Online,
The Department of Geological Service of Italy of ISPRA, togher with Italian Geographic Society and Sigea will organize a study day on: "The big urban areas: notes of archeology, history and geology". The topics addressed in this study day will be Italian cities and current or past geological phenomena, present or hidden under the urban fabric, the correlations between urban geology, history, archeology. This Study Day will be an opportunity to discuss and analyze how the geological events that occurred in Italian cities have affected the territory, the uses and customs of man throughout history. It will also be an opportunity to confront the scientific world and focus on the importance of multidisciplinary research as well as the need for historical and cartographic research to be combined with geological research in order to provide a complete study of the natural phenomena that make our territory fragile

Opening conference of the project "Strong Sea Life"

Apr 13, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 01:30 PM Porto Torres (SS), Sala Congressi Comunale "Filippo Canu" - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 103,
On April 13, 2022, the presentation conference of the STRONG SEA project - Survey and TReatment ON Ghost LIFE, a project financed under the LIFE program, priority sector Nature and Biodiversity, on funds will take place at the Municipality of Porto Torres (SS) established in the 2014-2020 programming. It will be possible to follow the proceedings both in presence and in live streaming on the  ISPRA Youtube Channel .  ISPRA Youtube Channel. ISPRA is the project leader, together with 5 associated partners: Forestry Corps Environmental Supervision, Asinara Park - Asinara Island AMP, AGRIS Regione Sardegna, MCM Consorzio Coop Produzione Lavoro and Petra Patrimonia Corsica. The project, which started in December 2021, will last 5 years.