Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental damage in Italy: activities of SNPA and framework of actions 2021-2022 (Ed. 2023)

The Report describes ISPRA's commitment to environmental protection through the application of civil liability regulations outlined in the sixth part of Legislative Decree 152/2006, highlighting the key role of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) as the technical support for the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security in actions against environmental damage.

The actions are structured in response to situations of potential environmental damage or threats identified within the judicial system or reported within the administrative system by operators, citizens, local and regional authorities. The report outlines the different stages of investigation, providing details on ministerial requests for in-depth technical-scientific analysis. In this context, SNPA plays a crucial role in collecting information, assessing environmental damage or threats, and recommending remedial or prevention measures.

The Report analyzes in detail the activities carried out in the years 2021-2022, highlighting the tasks assigned to ISPRA and examining the achieved results. Collaboration between ISPRA and the territorial agencies is crucial for managing all the reported environmental issues in an organized manner and with a high degree of depth. In conclusion, the document provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the environmental damage assessment system in Italy, with a perspective of an increasingly organized and effective environmental protection.

Download the publication (pdf - 8.6 mb)
