Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Forum Emas - Ecolabel Ue

EU Ecolabel Regulation EC 1221/2009 (EMAS) - REGULATION 66/2010 (EU Ecolabel)

Rome, December 12, Press room Ministry of the Environment

EU Ecolabel Regulation EC 1221/2009 (EMAS) - REGULATION 66/2010 (EU Ecolabel)
Dialogue with the public and stakeholders, along with the continuous improvement of environmental performance,is  the main objective of the EC Regulation 1221/2009 (Article 1) and an integral part of the EMAS Regulation EC 66/2010 regulating the Ecolabel European Union (EU Eco-label).

The past 12 December held in Roma at Auditorium of Minister of Environment the Forum EMAS – Ecolabel UE organized by Ecolabel Ecoaudit Commitee andISPRA.

The President of the label Ecoaudit, Mr. Claudio De Rose, opened the meeting which also participated floor e Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of the Environment, Mr Caro Lucrezio Monticelli, Mr.  Mariano Grillo and Mr. Riccardo Rifici both of the Directorate General for Environmental Assessment, the General Director - ISPRA. Mr. Stefano Laporta and members of the Committee Sections EMAS and Ecolabel Ecolabel Ecoaudit.
All tjhem stressed the importance of the voluntary instruments as part of an integrated environmental policy and in particular has been given the opportunity to promote national interests at European level. The Director General ISPRA also showed that, in this particular current economic situation, initiatives on the environment may represent a possible driver of economic recovery. During the debate has been underlined to give more recognition to organizations that have adopted the EMAS and Ecolabel schemes and greater visibility for logos.
Outside the program was delivered the awards of the first edition of the Italy EMAS Italy to the registered organizations that have proven most virtuous for their efforts in improving their environmental performance, around "the involvement of stakeholders, or stakeholders, crucial for the continuous improvement of environmental performance." Winners were the following organizations
• Primaprint srl (small company);
• HERA – Centrale di cogenerazione di Imola (big company);
• Comune di Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (small Public Administration.);
• Comune di Ravenna (big public Administration)

Further information