Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Biology and conservation of carnivores

Summer School

Santa Sofia (FC), September 29 - 3 ottobre

The initiative is organized by the Laboratory of Genetic Conservation of ISPRA, in collaboration with the National Park of Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna, the State Forestry Department - Territorial Coordination for the Environment (CTA-CFS), the Master of Science in Conservation and Management of Natural Heritage, the Bachelor of Science degree in Management and Nature - Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences of the University of Bologna. The school is open to university students, PhD students, post-doctorates and fauna technicians and aims to deepen the study of methods and issues concerning the biology and conservation of large and medium carnivores (brown bear, wolf, lynx, wild cat, fox and otter). Teachers: Sandro Lovari, Carlo Ferrari, Marco Apollonio, Giorgio Boscagli, Bernardino Ragni, Stefano Focardi, Piero Genovesi, Anna Loy, Alberto Meriggi, Simone Angelucci, Duccio Berzi, Francesca Vercillo, Vincenzo Gervasi, Claudio Groff, Aritz Ruiz, Ettore Randi. The staff of the National Park and of the CTA-CFS will organize trips, tours and a wolf-howling night looking for the wolves.