Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


EU Ecolabel promotion

The development of a sustainable market requires that the concept of environmental quality “from cradle to grave” is brought to the attention of users / consumers. It is also essential that the users / consumers are made aware of the credibility of a label guaranteed by a European regulation, like the EU Ecolabel. The document provides an overview of the initiatives undertaken both at a EU and national level, either by ISPRA or ARPA / APPA, and highlights the problems that arose in the strategies so far implemented for the promotion of the EU Ecolabel. In addition, the document contains some proposals to implement additional targeted actions that take into account the peculiarities of the local markets to raise awareness of the EU Ecolabel (i.e. the promotion and dissemination actions in public and private organizations at a regional level, information in schools or at events, in cooperation with the manufacturers), to integrate the Ecolabel promotion strategies to products and to carry on some "case studies".

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