Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


National Inventory of Mining Waste Facilities

List of closed or abandoned mining waste facilities that have serious negative impacts on the environment or that may pose a serious threat to human health or the environment in the short to medium term.

Directive 2006/21/EC of 15 March 2006 is aimed at regulating the management of waste from extractive industries. In Italy it was implemented with Legislative Decree 117/2008 which, in addition to providing for a management system for the waste produced by active extractive industries, requires the creation of the Inventory of closed extraction waste storage facilities, including abandoned ones ( art. 20 of Legislative Decree 117/2008), identified as those "which have serious negative repercussions on the environment or which, in the short or medium term, may represent a serious threat to human health or the environment" (warehouse facilities type A, Annex II to Legislative Decree 117/2008).

The sites with potential negative repercussions on the environment are recorded in the Database, with respect to the data provided by the Regions and/or autonomous Provinces, the type of minerals cultivated, the related potential waste, the extension of the mining site, the cultivation period, of the time elapsed since closure/abandonment, selected on the basis of the "hierarchical" criteria, described in the related document on the inventory web page.

Type A storage facilities closed or abandoned