Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The “Water Security for the Planet” (Water4All) partnership aims to achieve water security by stimulating systemic transformations and changes through a direct channel with the entire research and development chain and by bringing together problems and solutions.

As part of the European program for research and innovation "Horizon Europe", Water4All, the co-funded European partnership for research on long-term water security through the enhancement of transformations and systemic changes in the whole water research and innovation pipeline. It brings together more than 70 partners, R&I funders, ministries of the environment, local authorities, European, national and regional networks, research organizations and bodies, including ISPRA.

Water4All proposes a portfolio of multi-national and cross-sectoral activities targeting a variety of actors and intending to generate the following outputs:

  • Strengthening the water Research and Innovation (R&I) collaboration at the European and international levels, notably through 6 Joint Transnational Calls
  • Coordinating and leveraging the activities of the Water R&I community
  • Supporting and promoting demonstration and access to the market of innovative solutions
  • Producing, sharing and better communicating water-related knowledge & data, from local to global scales
  • Enhancing talent development of water R&I professionals
  • Fostering capacity development and life-long training of water policy-makers, stakeholders and the civil society
  • Designing and implementing approaches for participatory development of innovation

Water4All runs its activities across 7 themes of its strategic agenda depicted in the figure below:

  • water for circular economy;
  • water for ecosystems and biodiversity;
  • sustainable water management;
  • water and health;
  • water infrastructure;
  • international cooperation;
  • water governance.

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda will be published. An advanced draft version is available here.

The outputs of Water4All will contribute to:

  • Deliver sound knowledge, tools and evidence basis on water for policy- and decision-making
  • Improve consideration of water impacts in all relevant policies
  • Enhance the field/market use of innovative solutions to water challenges
  • Increase the awareness and engagement of citizens for an inclusive water governance

Water4All will collaborate with other relevant R&I initiatives in the European Research Area, in particular the European Union (EU) Missions, notably the Mission ‘Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030’, or other European Partnerships (such as the Biodiversity partnershipSustainable Blue economy partnership, or Driving Urban Transition partnership).

For more information, you can visit the official website.

ISPRA, through the Environmental Information Systems Service, participates in the partnership of Water4All in the coordination activities and in the activities of the PILLARs: "Joint vision and Strategic Research Innovation Agenda (SRIA)", "Science Policy" and "Demonstration of the efficiency of results" ; in collaboration with the International Relations Area, it participates in the activities of the PILLAR "Internationalization".

Web site of the project 

To be updated, you can register on WATER4ALL Newsletter

Leaflet partnership

Twitter: @Water4ALLEU