“Dino” Bear, no to the arbitrary capture. Every decisions after techinical evalutation of ISPRA
May 26
The capture and killing of the brown bear “Dino”, responsibles of different cases of predation cattle in Veneto, would be an exception to the law of protection of this threatened species.
The National and European law establish that every actions of capture or killing of bears has to be authorized by Ministry of Environment, Land Protection and Sea, on the basis of techinical opinion of ISPRA.
ISPRA thinks before take any extreme decision, such as the killing of the bear, should be tried all possibile actions to modify the animal behaviour to prevent damages to the cattle and eventual risk for human being
ISPRA asked to all the Public Administration that suggest the capture and killing of the bear, a detailed report on the actions carried out until now to face the trouble.
The ISPRA techinical approach is conteined in the Plan Action to protect brown bear of Central-Eastern of Alps (PACOBACE), on behalf of Ministry of Environment. The document represents the istitutional point of reference for protection strategies to protect bears