Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Fifth National Day of pollen - First day of the allergic patient


Roma, March 21, CRA-CMA Headquarters, Via del Caravita 7 / a

On March 21, 2012 Ispra, AIA and Federasma will celebrate the "Fifth National Day of pollen" and the "First day of the allergic patient" with the workshop: "Urban green spaces and allergies: prevention strategies for public health". The conference will be held at 9.30 in the CRA-CMA headquarters. Experts from various disciplines will discuss the many aspects of the topic, comparing experiences of National and local institutions.
The conference, with the partecipation of Ispra's experts, will be the occasion for an overview on the status of such activities in Italy today.